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Post by jimsoars »

I've been shooting AR since xmas and have been reading a lot. I am a little confused on attaining the NPA. I get the concept, but the mechanics elude me. It seems that the changes necessary to modify the point of hold are so small and can be done so many ways, I'm not sure where to begin. Just a small difference in my dpth of breath or my forearm hand placement, or the stock shoulder position or even the pressure of the stock int he shoulder make huge changes in the aiming point.

What is the process for trying to find the proper NPA?

Thanks for any advice...
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:31 am
Location: SE Michigan

Assume position with rifle pointed generally toward target

Post by NuJudge »

Then close your eyes and wiggle the rifle, allowing it to come to a natural rest.

Open eyes and observe where sights lay.

Move feet (generally both feet) such that sights lay on target.

Repeat until further foot movement unneccessary.

2650 Plus


Post by 2650 Plus »

Some say that a very small verticle corection can be made by breath control. I cannot critique this method as I do not use it. I breath to the exhalation pause with my eyes closed and make sure that all muscles are totally relaxed. I open my eyes and using the toe of my left foot push slightly forward to achieve a lower NPA or pull back for higher NPA. For right or left corrections I put a small amount of weight on the left toe and make a small corection in the direction of the NPA error by moving the groin area. I then lift the right elbow and set it back down again to relieve any change of tension in the right shoulder, Then breath one more time and verify that the NPA is sustained. If all is perfect, deliver your shot on your own target. Note that Zero Hold is the European term for NPA. Good Shooting Bill Horton Note also that the breath control method is much faster when time becomes a factor.
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