Best price found for .22 ammo?

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Best price found for .22 ammo?

Post by bntii »

Just looking for the bulk range stuff for practice.
Maybe some Aguila standard velocity.
Case lots.

Thanks all
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Post by MSC »

Not sure what you're shooting, but these would be my picks for accurate/inexpensive:

If your pistol can tolerate something closer to high velocity:
Federal Auto Match. Best price on this is, of all places, Wal-Mart! $11.95 for 325. I've used it in a Ruger MKII and Browning Buckmark with excellent results. Not in the class of the high $ stuff, but notably better than CCI Std Velocity, which is a common round used in Bullseye.

For Standard Velocity: Aguila Rifle Match or Pistol Match. These have shot vey well for me, accuracy-wise. And function/reliability has been flawless so far. I tried the Aguila Subsonic. Accuracy was there, but I seem to get a dud or two per box. Maybe the batch? Don't know.
I find dealers that have them locally, but prices seem to fluctuate. And availability is sometimes tough. I'd try a brick of them, then go to one of the online sites and order a case, just Google Aguila ammo. For a case the shipping is easily worthwhile. I think it ended up being about $23-24/brick.

I personally can't justify the $75-100/brick prices of the Lapua's and such - to gain 1/10th inch accuracy. Maybe if shooting was paying the bills for me. But to each his own, I guess...
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Post by PaulB »

Have been having OK results with Eley Sport, which is going for about $150-$160 a case (of 5000).
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Post by MSC »

Thanks for the Eley Sport reference, Paul. I could've sworn it was more $, but I see it for $140-$150/case at Midway. Mentions Mexican-made. Likely by Aguila, as I think they make lower-end ammo for some of the other higher-end names.

Post by Guest »

Before I bought my OSP I was shooting Federal Target in the blue box and never had an alibi with it that wasn't my fault. I think it was $14-15 per 500.
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Post by bntii »

Can I tag another question to this?

What is the role of the lube on a .22 round??

I have been using the Federal #714 at $15 a brick but am concerned about the seemingly lube less bullets.
Had heard that the lube is important for reducing barrel wear.

Thanks all
Last edited by bntii on Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 173
Joined: Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:25 pm

Post by MSC »

Just a thought, but.... My guess is that the lube is more for the purpose of helping the bullet feed. Many of the target guns have tighter chambers, and I know I've heard people mention putting a drop of oil on the tips of bullets. Some also don't have much of a feed ramp.

Just a theory. I'm sure others more knowledgable will chime in.
solomon grundy

Post by solomon grundy »

Lube is typically used to reduce galling and assist in maintaining a gas seal around the bullet as it traverses the bore.

I don't think that any of the 22 ammo that's produced is actually lube-less.
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