Video in poor taste

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Brian James
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Video in poor taste

Post by Brian James »

On this board, a "Guest published the following link in the Airguns in China thread

To say the video is in poor taste would be an understatement. I'm not sure how the people on this forum feel about this, but it bothers me.

Amnesty International is out of line in my opinion.

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Post by jipe »

Indeed not a good publicity for shooters... and for Pardini.

But the Human Rights violations in China is a real problem (if you do not know it. read the books of Harry Wu).

Having the Olympic Games in China/Beijing is not really acceptable, quite similar to the Olymoic Games in Berlin/Germany just before wolrd war II when Hitler and the nazis were ruling Germany.
Brian James
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Post by Brian James »

I'm aware of some of the problems in China, but using target shooters as the medium to convey such a message is in poor taste.
Kiwi bob
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Post by Kiwi bob »

I have viewed this video and I find it quite discusting. Where does the video originate from, I seem to have missed that part. If it has been made by "Amnesty International", I would also find that offensive.

Post by toznerd »

It looks like a lot of the remarks reflect our common opinion of disgust. I don't know a lot of french, but I know enough words, and see a lot of caplocked text and exclamation points. It's a ridiculous premise that China would employ their Olympic shooters to execute prisoners. They might violate human rights, but they are not stupid. Besides, there are plenty of police officers or soldiers that would do it for a promotion.
Neil Foster
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Post by Neil Foster »

For shame on Amnesty International!
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Post by AAlex »

It's a ridiculous premise that China would employ their Olympic shooters to execute prisoners. They might violate human rights, but they are not stupid. Besides, there are plenty of police officers or soldiers that would do it for a promotion.
That is not the premise in the video - you completely missed the point.

The olympic shooter represents China hosting the Olympic games and being in the spotlight of the world. Him executing a prisoner represents China violating human rights behind the closed doors and away from the cameras.
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Post by AAlex »

Wrestling and boxing also got their share it seems like ... _wrestling

I may sound "unpatriotic" WRT our sport, but I like these ads.

In general, ads in Europe are a lot more imaginative, interesting and "out of line" than the dumb brainwashing ads we have here (from what I remember from the days when I had a TV)
Neil Foster
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Post by Neil Foster »

If you "like" these ads, I think you have a real problem!
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Post by AAlex »

Au contraire, it is YOU who have a problem if you cannot see such an obvious allegory in these ads.

I'm starting to understand why creative rethorical allegory is never used in US advertisements - it seems to be beyond most people's understanding, and that I find troubling.

Post by toznerd »

AAlex wrote:
It's a ridiculous premise that China would employ their Olympic shooters to execute prisoners. They might violate human rights, but they are not stupid. Besides, there are plenty of police officers or soldiers that would do it for a promotion.
That is not the premise in the video - you completely missed the point.

The olympic shooter represents China hosting the Olympic games and being in the spotlight of the world. Him executing a prisoner represents China violating human rights behind the closed doors and away from the cameras.
Actually, I got it. But I couldn't find the shift-sarcasm key on my keyboard. I guess my dark sense of humor was lost. And, while I like the spirit of the ads, it's a little unfair to represent the Chinese athletes as bullies, thugs, and assassins. Besides, the Pardini would not be my first choice, only holding 5 rounds (shift-sarcasm)

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Post by AAlex »

Indeed the sarcasm is hard to read there, as contextually your message was in agreement with a bunch of preceding posts, just a tad more escalated.

Don't tell me everyone in this thread is sarcastic except for myself.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

They are quite powerful ads from an ad stand point. Its like the one with the little girls playing soccer then get blown up by a land mine. They are disturbing and that is there whole purpose, they make you talk and think.

The ad isn't a reflection on shooting sports, its a reflection on China, what amazes me is how the powers that be bend over and kiss China's butt, but have a problem with Cuba.

Can hardly wait to go to China and get lead poisioning or possioned with some drug thats incorporated in some cheap piece of crap product they make, or eat those dumplings that the guys were making with old cardboard.

I guess we couldn't boycott China, becaue then all the Walmarts would be empty.

Personally I'm not a big Amnesty International fan I think a lot of there ideology is far too simplistic, but these ads do make a statement, I'll give them that.
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Post by tleddy »

I am %$$@#$% LIVID!!!

That casts the target shooter in the absolute worst possible light. I cannot think of any more damaging advertisement to our sport.

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China redux

Post by tleddy »

... and yes, I do "get" the meaning of the ad... and I still do not like it. I look at the huge majority of people out there that will see that ad and equate those who practice our sport with evil assassins.

I love free speech and hate that ad.

Steve Swartz

Post by Steve Swartz »

The ads are obvious fakes . . . AI is way too busy protesting evil USA waterboarding and GITMO Koran flushing (Detainees not allowed to own Calvin Klein underwear! For Shame!) to worry about trivialities like state sanctioned murder and actual torture . . .

Steve Swartz

(How many nations are boycotting Beijing Olympics? Didn't think so. IOC didn't even bat an eyelash selecting Beijing as olympic site. Pretty "Nobel" of them!)
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Post by cxiaoga »

That ad video clip is nasty. Too many politicians involved in our sports. China is a great country although it has some issues need to improve.
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Post by william »

What, exactly, does it take to get people to pay attention to human rights abuses in China? Beijing 2008 is in the same category as Berlin 1936 and Moscow 1980. Shouldn't shooters, the self-professed first and last defenders of individual rights, be in the forefront here? Wouldn't it be a grand gesture if shooters from around the world declared: "This will not stand," and took it upon themselves to boycott the games? Frankly, as a human being, I'm proud of Amnesty International. It's far less offensive than the NRA for example cozying up to every right wing demagogue in furtherance of its own self-aggrandizing agenda.
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Fred Mannis
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Post by Fred Mannis »

There are plenty of forums available for people to express their political views. This is not one of them. Let's stick to shooting.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

This is the Shooters Lounge and obviously this does have to do with shooting and the Olympics.
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