trigger optimisation

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trigger optimisation

Post by joydeepk »

can somebody give me some solid advice on how to optimise the trigger setting of an Anschuetz 1913.after gettin it with the factory setting i changed the setting to suit me,but in the process i upset the trigger so as to make it hang and become sort of unpredictable! i cant return back to the correct setting. however its shooting.
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trigger 1913

Post by Albert »

The Anschütz Match Triggering System

- Fundamental to our Rifles

Anschütz match triggers are fundamental to the success of Anschütz target rifles. Their high degree of accuracy guarantees consistent trigger characteristics, while the wide range of adjustments and settings provide ample possibilities of fine tuning which meet the individual requirements of target shooters around the world:

The complete trigger system from the small bore Match rifle is almost identical to the air rifle Match trigger system. Shooters of Anschütz small bore rifles thus can use the same adjustment methods for the air rifle.
Note: The first stage screw must not be changed on the air rifle.

In all models the trigger cam may be adjusted incrementally, allowing trigger weights to be set in accordance with the desired use.

How to set Anschütz Match Triggers

(also see adjustment screws diagram in your ANSCHÜTZ book )

Please note: The ANSCHÜTZ target rifle offers a wide range of individual adjustments. Whenever you work on your rifle settings, please make absolutely sure that your rifle has been properly unloaded.

1. Trigger weight

1.1 Adjusting the trigger weight with setting screw No. 10 (silver screw)

right turn to increase trigger weight(+)
left turn to decrease trigger weight(-)

Both, trigger weight and first stage weight, are mutually dependent mechanically. So, if one of them is changed there will always be a small, but noticeable corresponding change in the other.

1.2 Moving trigger cam No. 11:

lowest position of trigger cam: lowest trigger weight
highest position of trigger cam: highest trigger weight

If the trigger weight is to be more than 200g, the trigger cam No. 11 must be adjusted to the highest position (turn by 180° and secure), using a 2 mm hex key and possibly tweezers:

turn left to loosen the screw
turn right to tighten the screw

After adjusting the cam, please check the sear engagement according to paragraph No. 3. It might have to be adjusted as well. The precise adjustments of the trigger weight and first stage weight are carried out with the setting screws No. 10 (trigger weight) and No. 9 (first stage weight).


Please ensure that the position of the trigger cam is correct. Too much pressure on the torque may wreck the hex screw!

2. First stage weight (two-stage triggers only)

Adjust first stage weight with setting screw No. 9 (black screw):

turn right to increase first stage weight (+)
turn left to decrease first stage weight (-)

Both, trigger weight and first stage weight, are mutually dependent mechanically. So, if one of them is changed there will always be a small, but noticeable corresponding change in the other.

3. Sear engagement

The sear engagement is the distance between the second stage and the release of the trigger.

Important note:

To protect the precision trigger and to guarantee its perfect functioning you should always close the action very carefully. If the sear engagement of single stage triggers is too small and the trigger weight is too low or if the first stage of two-stage triggers is to short, any sudden impact or harsh closing of the action might release the trigger and thereby inadvertently loosening a shot if the gun is loaded and not in the "safe" position.

3.1 Adjusting the sear engagement for two-stage triggers with setting screw No. 5:

turn right to shorten sear engagement
turn left to extend sear engagement

3.2 Finding the optimum sear engagement:

Make sure your rifle is not loaded. Cock your rifle and release the trigger. Check if the trigger release is as desired.

3.2.1 The sear engagement is too long:

There is a small distance between the second stage and the release of the trigger.

After cocking and releasing turn the setting screw No. 5 stepwise to the right (approximately 1/8 of a turn each time). Repeat until second stage resistance is zero. Then go back 1/5 turn to the left, thus reaching the optimum sear engagement.

3.2.2 The sear engagement is too short:

There is no noticeable second stage resistance. The trigger releases unpredictably.

After cocking and releasing turn setting screw No. 5 counter-clockwise (approximately 1/8 of a turn). Repeat until the desired adjustment is reached.

3.3 Adjusting the sear engagement for single stage triggers with setting screw No. 5:

Turn first stage weight screw No. 4 to the left until you have reached the maximum first stage.
Cock the rifle. Turn setting screw No. 5 (first stage) to the left until the trigger releases.
From this position turn screw No. 5 approx. ¼ turn to the right.

The trigger is now adjusted to single stage operation, there is no more first stage.

Caution:- Single stage triggers are extremely sensitive and must be handled with utmost care.

A sear engagement of 5/100 mm is obtained immediately after closing the action. In combination with a minimum trigger weight there might be a malfunction and an increased risk (independent shot release).

4. First stage (single stage triggers only)

The "first stage" is the distance of the trigger blade moving from zero position up to the second stage.

Adjusting the first stage with setting screw No. 4:

turn right to shorten the first stage
turn left to lengthen the first stage

Caution: - There is no safegueard against turning the screw No. 4 (first stage) beyond the second stage function, thereby disabling the trigger. Grave risk! Under no circumstance may the first stage be reduced to "zero", which in effect would convert a two-stage into a single stage trigger.

5. Trigger-Stop

The distance from the second stage to where the trigger blade comes to a halt, is called the "trigger stop".

Adjusting the trigger stop with setting screw No. 8:

turn right to shorten
turn left to lengthen

Caution: - Again there is no safeguard against turning the trigger stop screw No. 8 past the second and even the first stage function, in which case a malfunction results: the trigger does not release!

6. Adjusting the trigger blade

Loosen hex screw No. 7, and the trigger blade No. 6 can be moved in the longitudinal guide as well as tilted laterally.

7. Changing a two-stage trigger into a single stage trigger

Release the safety catch and cock the rifle. Turn setting screw No. 4 approx. 3 turns to the left so that it does not touch the trigger housing any more. Turn screw No. 5 (second stage) slowly to the left until the releasing point is reached, then give it as much as a ¾ turn to the right.

Possibly, as a consequence, the trigger stop has to be shortened (see paragraph No. 5) and the trigger weight needs adjusting.

8. Changing a single stage trigger into a two-stage trigger.

Turn trigger stop set screw No. 8 approx. 2 ½ turns to the left. Release safety and cock rifle.
Gently squeeze the trigger to check whether there is a second stage before the trigger releases.

If there is no second stage:

Cock again and turn screw No. 5 approx. 2 ½ turns to the right. You should now feel the second stage. In order to obtain the optimal sear engagement proceed according to paragraph 3.

If there is a second stage:

Proceed according to paragraph 3 (sear engagement is too long). You may have to adjust the first stage (see paragraph 4), the trigger stop (see paragraph 5), the trigger weight (see paragraph 1) and the first stage weight (see paragraph 2) to the desired values.

9. Malfunctions of the trigger due to faulty adjustment.

If the trigger is not adjusted correctly malfunctions may occur. In such cases it is highly unlikely that uncontrolled tampering with the trigger adjustments will achieve acceptable results.

It is therefore recommended to proceed as follows: Check the function of the trigger after each adjustment step. When the malfunction is removed check the all trigger settings and adjust them again if necessary.

9.1 The trigger catches the cocking piston or firing pin, but the trigger does not release:

Make sure that the safety catch is off.
Check if the trigger cam is mounted correctly.
Most likely the trigger stop screw No. 8 is too tight. Give it a few turns to the left until the cocking piston or firing pin releases again.

9.2 The trigger does not catch the cocking piston or firing pin:

The first stage setting screw No. 4 may be too tight.
Make sure that the spring is not defective and has been attached correctly.
Give screw No. 5 (second stage) a few turns to the right.

10. Maintenance

Lubricate the bearings lightly with cold resistant grease once a year.
Put a small amount of oil into the bearing parts using a needle.
To avoid build-up of resins or other residues on trigger parts, do not use cleaning sprays or oils.
Attempt to keep the trigger free from dust and dirt - clean it by "dusting off" unwanted particles.


While cleaning the rifle exercise great care in order to avoid dirt, residues of solvents, grease or non-suitable oils from getting into the trigger mechanism. It is highly recommended to either use a cleaning rod guide or to put the gun on its side, better even with the shaft pointing upwards, so that valve unit and trigger mechanism are safe from being damaged.

(The Netherlands)
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