Canting in prone position.

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Canting in prone position.

Post by demonloop »

How many people cant in the prone position? I got the new Anschutz 7002 rearsight so am now able to shoot with a cant if I like. I see a lot of guys at my club shooting with an inward cant and nearly all the Olympic finalists were doing it to. What is the advantage; if any?

Post by Albert »

Canting the rifle inward brings the diopter right in front of your aiming eye. This way you do not have to cant your head. This in turn leaves the organs in your ear that detect any change in balance in a neutral position.
If you cant your head to the right (to the diopter), the organ detects this as a change in balance and gives the order to compensate for this imbalance/position of the body and gives the brain the order to move the body back to the left. This movement to the left is registered by your eyes and they in turn give the order to compensate to the right. This goes on and on and forces the body into a sideways swaying motion.
Keeping your head in a natural upright position (not canted) keeps this from hapening.
(sorry for a not so good translation)

Good luck,
(The Netherlands)
Matt Rorke

Post by Matt Rorke »

The reason Albert gave is the reason many shooters cant the rifle. It's better to have the gun adjust to you rather than adjust unnaturally to the gun. The most important thing to remember though is that if you decide to cant the rifle in any position, it has to be to the same degree every time. Some guys use a bubble level to ensure this.

Post by Guest »

Should I then ensure the diopter is upright? And leave it looking as if its canted as you look straight at the rifle?

Post by Albert »

It is up to you to decide to adjust the diopter to the cant or not.
If you leave it in the straight position (not counter canted) you must remember to correct in horizontal AND vertical direction when changing the point of impact. If you correct the position of the diopter you do not have this problem but when you change shooting position (prone to standing to kneeling) and you cant the rifle in a different angle in these positions, you have to correct the position of the diopter as well. Very nasty with little change-over time.
I myself leave the diopter in the standerd position and I know how much clicks to compensate in vertical direction for every 3 clicks I give horizontally.
Good luck
(The Netherlands)

Cant or not to cant

Post by cskinner »

All canting shooters generally 'cant' because they have not taken or fully understand the adjustments of the rifle to each position. Along with this is the incorret positioning of the butt plate or hook into the shoulder. Most of the time the jacket becomes rolled into two or three rolls shoving the butt of the rifle out of position and away from the head. Great care must be exercised to stop this from happening. If the mounting of the rifle causes 'cant' then you have a personal error in shooting technique and one that must be removed. The winner of any competition is always the shooting athlete that removes the most personal errors of technique...!

Cant or not to cant

Post by cskinner »

All canting shooters generally 'cant' because they have not taken or fully understand the adjustments of the rifle to each position. Along with this is the incorret positioning of the butt plate or hook into the shoulder. Most of the time the jacket becomes rolled into two or three rolls shoving the butt of the rifle out of position and away from the head. Great care must be exercised to stop this from happening. If the mounting of the rifle causes 'cant' then you have a personal error in shooting technique and one that must be removed. The winner of any competition is always the shooting athlete that removes the most personal errors of technique...!
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Re: Cant or not to cant

Post by demonloop »

cskinner wrote:All canting shooters generally 'cant' because they have not taken or fully understand the adjustments of the rifle to each position. Along with this is the incorret positioning of the butt plate or hook into the shoulder. Most of the time the jacket becomes rolled into two or three rolls shoving the butt of the rifle out of position and away from the head. Great care must be exercised to stop this from happening. If the mounting of the rifle causes 'cant' then you have a personal error in shooting technique and one that must be removed. The winner of any competition is always the shooting athlete that removes the most personal errors of technique...!
Those Olympic finalists think they know everything! They all cant. What sort of ill-educated shooters thay are, with their medals. Maybe they cant coz of the weight of that gold around their necks!


Post by Albert »

I could not agree more!
All those Olympic winners were intelegent enough to discover there is a way to adjust te rifle to the shooters body. If I was to keep the rifle upright, my eyes should be somewhere over my shoulders and I would look like a deformed creature from Mars. Maybe they can shoot their rayguns not canted. I wonder how Arnold Swartzenegger would do it. With his width of shoulders and thick neck - not beeing able to cant his head - , he would have to adjust his stock about 10 inches to the side of the rifle. I guess he would have a horizontal motion when the shot is released instead of a vertical.
But to be serious, canting is often a result of factors like: body shape and size, balance of the system body and rifle and (with the Standerd type rifles still in use) the lack of possibillity to have more adjustments.

(The Netherlands)

Post by heknows »

Please do not provoke Mr Skinner. Just agree with everything he say's. That way the site remains saine.

Post by Guest »

Hmm someone remembers the old UIT mailing list!

Tim S

Exeter UK
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Post by Sparks »

Anonymous wrote:Hmm someone remembers the old UIT mailing list!
Tim S
Exeter UK
Lots of people remember the old list and what happened to it :(
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