Distribution of weight question?

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Distribution of weight question?

Post by DonC »

I am a right handed 10 meter shooter. What percentage of body weight do you prefer on your left leg when shooting?
Thank you,
Posts: 22
Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:41 am
Location: Scotland

Post by ksilver »

I think the notion of more weight being on the front leg is something of an optical illusion. Think about it, what is the most important thing in any form of shooting? - balance!

You must be balanced to stand still, while it might look like the weight is slung forward, it is only the hip that is forward to provide support for the frontmost arm.

If you have a lot of weight on either leg you are probably doing it wrong - although there are always exceptions to the rule!

Check out "Ways of the Rifle" lots of good pics of standing shooters.
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