butt placement

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butt placement

Post by marty »

Where should the butt be placed in the shoulder when shooting prone.
Either in the pit of the shoulder, or as close to the neck as possible?

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Post by sureshot007 »

I can't tell you what you are supposed to do, but I'll tell you what I do:

I put it where it feels comfortable, and I make sure it stays there throughout the corse of fire. I have a hook, which usually means it is on my shoulder and not close to my neck.

I usually stress consistency. Pick something, and make sure it is the same everytime you shoot. Pick whichever is more comfortable for your shooting style (if your body is at more of an angle to the rifle, you will probably be more comfortable with it further from your neck).

That's my two cents.
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Post by seemehaha »

they say that having the buttplate close to the neck allows more of your body behind the rifle to absorb recoil. however, like with moist things in shooting, it's personal preference. personally i take off the butthook, turn the plate upside down, cant, then stick it close to my neck. i am an oddball and i know that, but that is what i have found to be the most comfortable and it allows for my cant. for me, the hook was always jabbing or throwing my position. it depends on your position. make the gun to fit you, not the other way around.
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Post by Papi][ion »

seemehaha wrote: personally i take off the butthook, turn the plate upside down, cant, then stick it close to my neck.
wow, i thought i was the only one who turned the plate upside down. haha, i guess i'm not so unique after all.

I would recommend fiddling with it for a while. One of the great things about setting your rifle is that you can try whatever you want to, and see if it works. That's how i ended up with the buttplate upside down, and a little lowered. It just fit me, and i was like "hey, i think this works".
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Post by ksilver »

The butt plate should really be in the pit between the shoulder muscle and the collar bone. Being placed in a particular place like this makes it really easy to repeat placement.

The quality of your butt hook really helps here. I tried a couple of the Anschutz butt plates with my old 1813, and I can thoroughly recommend ditching them and getting a Gemini Butt plate. They are a bit fiddly when you first try and fit them, but I now have one on my 2013 and I wouldn't go back to the Anschutz ones. I have seen many good shooters use them and they make shoulder placement really easy and consistent.
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