Hammerli Rifles

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Hammerli Rifles

Post by Steve »

I know that most of their production is in handguns but they made some rifles. Does anyone have a source for history, information and specifications on Hammerli rifles. In particular, the Hammerli 180D, .22LR, single shot, looks like a Walther UIT or some sort of training rifle. Hammerli does not respond to e-mail requests for this type of help. Thank you.

Post by Guest »

well, with a quick google search, i found....


Couldn't find a 180D, though. No results showed up. Maybe you have the number wrong??
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Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:49 pm
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Post by Papi][ion »

heh, oops. Forgot to sign in.

That link is to the brenzovich site, which has all the Hammerli rifles + pistols on that page (just scroll down). I couldn't get anything on a "180D"


Post by Steve »

Thanks for the help. I finally received a reply from Hammerli but no results. Hammerli said that the 180D was too long out of production and no records exist.
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:49 pm
Location: WA

Re: Hammerli

Post by Papi][ion »

Steve wrote:Hammerli said that the 180D was too long out of production and no records exist.
Hah, no kidding. I had ZERO results from google, yahoo, altavista, and lycos, when i searched "hammerli 180D". I would suggest trying to find a different rifle.
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