Competition results database - MS Access

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Ian Harris
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Competition results database - MS Access

Post by Ian Harris »

Does anyone know of a competition results database written with MS Access that I could download and customise?

Post by Guest »

Have you seen the one on AusPistol ?
Ian Harris
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Post by Ian Harris »

With all the various sports in the world I was hoping that someone already had a basic database they'd be prepared to share with eveyone - no point in re-inventing the wheel.

The OpenW database, I think, is based on Access 2 (fairly old in the tooth, but still capable), and costs money, which sports associations don't really want to spend.
Last edited by Ian Harris on Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ian Harris
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Post by Ian Harris »


Whilst I've used Access for many years it's only been with one-table databases.

Linked tables are new to me on the design front, so I'd likely slow you down!

If I can't find a ready-made database I'll have to sharpen the pencil and get the heavy reference books out.
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Post by Ryan »

I have been working on an access database to store my personal training and competition results. Are you interested in storing personal results or club/organization results or both?

Ian Harris
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Post by Ian Harris »


The original idea was to be able to run and keep score on an open sports competition with a number of disciplines and classes. No personal training information.

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Match DB

Post by nneely »


Would you be willing to share your DB? I'd be interested in using it.


I suspect if you post your requirements, several people may take up the challenge of creating something for you - myself included. Having never run a match before, I have no idea what are 'must have' features and what are 'nice to have'.

- Nick

Post by Ray »

Perhaps I don't fully understand the question, but what advantage would a database give over a simple spread sheet?

I do all my match bulletins with MS Excel. I have found it simple to start with a clean sheet. If you are shooting several disciplines, then use several worksheets. Common data can be linked between worksheets. Formulas are simple and quickly duplicated across the cells, not like the old days ten years ago.
At first I tried setting up a form or templete but I found that to be a hassle.

Ray Odle
Ian Harris
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Post by Ian Harris »


For the most part I would agree with you, I use MS Excel a lot and find it really convenient, but then I've used it for years.

The query about MS Access was for someone else who would prefer a database-based way of doing things.

I dusted off my books on BASIC and made quite a bit of progress in the last couple of days - learning new things every day.

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MS Access Competition Database

Post by KeithS »

There is a database designed to handle competitions that is written in ms access. There are two that uses a RIKA scoring machine interface, and one that does not.
It has been in use for five years now, and works well. It keeps a historical database of shooters scores, match records, etc. A slightly modified version of it has been in use at the Canadian Nationals for the past five years as well.
It has a number of features that have developed over time....such as a database of members, printout of target shots for coaches and athletes analysis(air pistol and air rifle) and other items too numerous to mention. It can handle pretty well any type of competition, including NRA.
If someone is interested, they can contact me.

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Post by hardhit »

Hello Keith,

I send you a PM with my e-mail.

Best regards,
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Download the databases here!

Post by KeithS »

Here is the web site for downloading the databases.

Go to the software link page.

I am currently working on another database that will allow for 3p shooters, including finals. It should be done shortly. I will post it to the web site and notify everyone via this thread.


There is a classified's section on this web site that is worth looking at!



Post by Sawyer »

A database is designed to organize information completely differently than Excel does. Excel is for making calculations on large sets of variables based on one change in one variable... though many people do use it for match results, it's very much inferior to using a database for that use.
A database will be FAR easier to use if you wish to tie bits of data (like scores in each target or stage) to one entry in the database... like an entry in a match; and then sort that data with multiple criteria.
I built just such a program using Claris Filemaker Pro some years ago. (Caveat-- it was on a Mac, and it's old enough now that it wouldn't run on most computers even if I posted it here for all to use. But Filemaker Pro is an extremely easy app to learn; easier than MS Access in my experience. And it's now cross-platform and highly regarded in the software world. And it's not buggy.)

Here's what I could do with it: Enter a shooter's name, address, etc. once. Each shooter becomes a record. Think of it as an index card.
Then I added other fields, like score for prone stage 1, stage, standing 1, etc. Then I added a calculation field for prone total, another for standing total, then match total, etc. Little boxes for data.
Then you simply arrange them on your "report" layout to show all that info in any way that's visually pleasing. Tremendous freedom here.

As targets were scored, we just entered the scores for each target into their appropriate fields. Again, think of those little boxes as being on each person's index card. But the magic comes at the end, when you tell the program to sort first by age class (these were junior matches), then by aggregate score, and print it. Then find all female competitors, sort them by age and aggregate score, and print. Voila! Instant match results that show scores for all competitors ranked by score, and then a whole other set of results reported by age class first, then score. First you find, then you sort.

The possibilities are endless-- because a database can find all records that meet a given criterion, and THEN sort them, and you can do that all day long very easily. Excel can SORT OF do that, but you have to be VERY adept at using it, and it's still not very elegant. It's just not designed to organize and report data that way. It's like using a screwdriver to drive nails-- do-able, but not a pleasant experience.

Very few people know how to use a database because we don't normally use them in every day life. But you should, because it's FAR more logical and friendly to organize info like grocery lists, address books, etc. using a database than a spreadsheet. I use a spreadsheet (Excel, with all it's warts and bugs) to forcast cash flow and tax liability.

I use databases (Filemaker, and Panorama from ProVue Software) for address books, photo catalogs, etc.

Once you figure out how to use a database, you'll never go back to a spreadsheet unless its the right use for one. I heartily recommend Filemaker Pro. It's ease of use and power is wonderful.

Larry Sawyer
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