High End AP Options???

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confusion about APs

Post by funMor »

Jay V.:

The FWB P 40 is not the same as the FWB P 34, which again was not the same as the P30.

The P 40 is a substansial improvement over the P 34. I have only fired about 3000 pellets with my P40 yet, but its performance is fairly promising. And it is no less forgiving than say the Steyr P10.

By the way, according to my knowledge, Nestruev has not made any official comments about the FWB P 40 yet. Remember also that he is/was sponsored by Benelli.

I think you have hardly fired any of these APs, Jay v.? You are just calling in some authorities of the sport to support your point of view.

And you believe that the electronic triggered Morini is the best? Says who?Have you tested both over an extended period yourself?
Let me just ask: do you believe in info from advertizing, Jay V.?
No furter questions!
Jay V
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Re: confusion about APs

Post by Jay V »

funMor wrote:Jay V.:

The FWB P 40 is not the same as the FWB P 34, which again was not the same as the P30.

The P 40 is a substansial improvement over the P 34. I have only fired about 3000 pellets with my P40 yet, but its performance is fairly promising. And it is no less forgiving than say the Steyr P10.

By the way, according to my knowledge, Nestruev has not made any official comments about the FWB P 40 yet. Remember also that he is/was sponsored by Benelli.

I think you have hardly fired any of these APs, Jay v.? You are just calling in some authorities of the sport to support your point of view.

And you believe that the electronic triggered Morini is the best? Says who?Have you tested both over an extended period yourself?
Let me just ask: do you believe in info from advertizing, Jay V.?
No furter questions!

Take a few deep breaths and step away from the computer!

I'm glad you are so happy with your FWB, maybe you could do some sort of promotion for them. Win a WC with it and show me how wrong I am!

I have fired all of the APs (except the P-40 - that's why I said that FWBs had a "reputation...") that I mentioned, and stand by my opinions.

For most of us this is just a hobby - lighten up!

Jay V
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Post by NCIT »

Hello you two knot heads...you are not helping me at all here with your bantering back and forth about who knows what. Are you two a couple of 14 year olds or are you gentlemen that enjoy a gentlemans sport?

Just curious, because although I have been shooting guns for about 20 years, I have been shooting competitive BE for just over a year now and am trying to make a serious decision about an AP.

Lets get back on track here.

What should I be looking for as far as feel (read balance) and trigger in an AP?

Jay V
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Post by Jay V »

NCIT wrote:Hello you two knot heads...you are not helping me at all here with your bantering back and forth about who knows what. Are you two a couple of 14 year olds or are you gentlemen that enjoy a gentlemans sport?(SNIP)
I actually take more offense to your insults than funMor's.

I feel I have some right to defend my self against personal attacks coming from giving my opinion when asked. At no time have I insulted anyone on this board.

I gave you my opinion of some of the pistols that you asked about, and received numerous insults for doing it. Not exactly what I expected when I chimed in on this thread to help you out. You should have gained some information from the exchange though.

I can see that you really appreciated my input.

I apologize to the members of this board for the direction this thread has gone.

Jay V
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Post by NCIT »


I don't think so! I was actually laughing as I wrote it. I find it humorus is all. And I appologize for any hurt feelings. I am just trying to make a good decision the first time. I guess I am going to have to go to Pilkguns when he gets back in town next week and feel of some guns in his shop to get a real idea of what to buy.


best AP? It has to be the Morini CM162MI

Post by stale »

I just borrowed one after beeing without one since august.
(I sold all my equipment after our National championship, i wanted to retire when on top) but it started to itch just after a a month's or so.
Unable to get a new morini, i spent som time with a hammerli ap40, matchguns MG-1 and fwb 40. no luck, i thought it must be my age.
But before a international championship( Baltic cup in denmark) last week, i borrowed my old pistol. I came there without having time to make adjustments or tests shoot it. First day of the event i had to use the time to get used to it. Second day came and it felt more comfortable, after first 40 shots i had 388, i just had to end the last 20 shots in same mannor.
I was a bit nervous, because it had been a while since i've shot as good as this.I fell down a bit next 10 shots ended at 95 and i had this good feeling doing my last shots. exept from one shot that was thrown out to a high 7.(cause of a sudden stomack pain) and final last 10 shot ende at 95 and a total of 578.
Last day i was even more nervous but ended up with a total score of 579.
Not exactly wolds best, but i was a good test for me.
When coming home and making final adjustments, i found out i had been shooting with a 700grams trigger.
I am on the track, and with the Morini i can't miss.

Barry Markowitz

Respectfully, may I suggest the importance of grips....

Post by Barry Markowitz »

Respectfully, I would suggest that all of the mentioned AP's are excellent and most are reliable...but I suggest that besides picking the AP that is most easy in your region to get serviced, that grip work is a very high priority. It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Seaton Thomas' mastery of grip refinement. Smart daily practice, and a little Seaton magic will go far in helping you reach your potential. (I am a Pilkington LP-10 happy customer, but I have enjoyed shooting my buddy Dwain's electronic trigger Morini, my son's IZH 46M (Seatonized already), an old Hammerli 480, and a Walther LP2.)

Post by Dam »

just my 2 cents,
My first high ender is an LP1. Just to sooth my itch to be sure that it was right for me I talked to warren @ pilks and recieved a Morrini 162E. I really liked the electronic trigger, but the inability to adjust the grip made shootingless accurate for me.My buisness partner shot acceptionally better with the Morrini than the Steyr. To each their own. dam
Bob LeDoux
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Welcome Back, Stale

Post by Bob LeDoux »

Stale, I've missed reading your comments for quite some time. You were a regular back when this forum first started. Please continue to contribute.

The FWB AP 40 vs the Morini 162 MI

Post by funMor »

Hello, all.

Jay V.> I added a @smiley@ to you in that @insulting@ post. If you had known me better, you would not have interpreted my insulting comments that litterally. It was written with a smile....

I was a bit annoyed because someone was damning a gun and critiziesing it for not winning WC competitions. As I said, the FWB P 40 has just left the factory.... and by the way, mr. Nestruev has not commented upon it.

I have tested the FWB P 40 for some weeks now. The importer shipped me the very first one. And here is my evaluation>

Trigger>Not bad, but not as good as a good Morini or Steyr. It feels, *and sounds( if some substantial slab of metal is released when the gun discharges. Much like the P34. The trigger unit is similar to that of the P34, or appears to be.

Grip> The gun supplied to me came with a @midium@ sized grip. A very large medium that was. As large as some @large@ grips of other brand of APs. The trigger reach was substansional. I have medium sized hands, with relatively long fingers. The trigger reach was too long for me to get the tip of my index finger correctly positioned on the trigger.

The importer shipped a smaler grip that should help some. I was also informed about a pecularity> FWB does not *yet( supply a @small@ grip for the FWB 40. *There is a model subnumber for a gun with this grip size, but that grip size is not manufactured!
So I got a XS *extra small( grip. And very small it was. suitable for 12 / 14 year olds, I think.

But surprizingly, THE TRIGGER REACH WAS AS LONG AS THAT OF THE MUCH LARGER GRIP! Strange way of thinking, there, FWB. The trigger reach is so long that it will cause difficulties for female shooters, juniors, or shooters with medium and smaller hands. *Some Steyr APs also have very long trigger reaches(.

The P40 is a very heavy AP. To my knowledge the heaviest of the modern APs. A bit too heavy for me, and heavier than the P34. The heavy, dense laminated wood of the grip can explaine some of the increased weight over the P 34.

I asked the importer if a short *and lighter( model of the 40 was available. A @short version af the P 40 is available, or more exacly with a short cylinder. The barrel lenght remains the same.

The P 40 is motionless during discharge. Only the report informs that the gun has actually fired a pellet. Much like dryfiring. I turned in some respectable 10 string scores, but the gun was not quite to my liking

I have returned the P 40 to the importer.

Strange Keyboard

Post by funMor »

Exchause me, but the keyboard of this *damned( new PC was set up for a foreign language....


Thanks Bob

Post by stale »

I don't know about my contribution, but i feel i have to tell about my experiences. I am always ending up with the Morini CM162MI. ;-)
And always with bravour.
Thursday I did install the swedish compensator and my first 10 shot was deep inside the 10' ring. It really felt good.
Today, i was thinking to contribute to the High Noon postal competition.
shooting my 40 shots, i seldom practice more than that.
But maybe twice a day.
The reason I choose the MI was the lack of grip adjustment on the EI.
And the MI's trigger is total slick and creepfree and stays like that for Years.
(Without any adjustments.) My ex-wife shoots with my very first MI from 1997. She shot new national record this spring, so now we both have one national air pistol record each. 386/587 both with the CM162MI
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High end options...

Post by NCIT »

Well, first of all thank you all for the opinions and suggestions. I am going this week to shoot a friends Hammerli AP40, although I have about made up my mind this is not the one for me. I still am going to look at one to finalize the decision. However, the more people I talk to the more people keep bringing up the Morini.

So I guess when I go to Pilkguns I will look at the Morini and the Steyr both and make a decision all at once. I hear they are really cool there. Anymore suggestions are welcome.

At this point I am leaning towards the Morini MI. I would like the EI but I also understand the importance of grip adjustability that you do not get with the EI.

So, keep up the comments. By the way, I printed off a 10M target last night and dang that 10 ring is a lot smaller than the Bullseye one! LOL!

F. Paul in Denver

Post by F. Paul in Denver »

I'm also verrry interested in picking up a Morini electronic. But, I am a cross dominant shooter and the lack of adjustability is even more of an issue for me.

I have sent the Morini gang an email asking them if they plan on changing the situation in the future or if they presently have an ability to fit an adjustable grip on the EI.

I'll post any responses I get.

As a suggestion and if appropriate, could someone at Pilks in their capacity as an importer let Morini know that the lack of grip adjustment on the 162EI may be slowing their sales.

Thanks for the great discussion.
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Swedish compensator

Post by Bill177 »

What is the Swedish compensator and is there a web site for it?
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Post by cbpersel »

Found this Morini compensator at Neal Johnson's. Might be it. You can also find it on the Gehmann site.

http://www.nealjguns.com/ss_store/Preci ... 3.html#576

Craig Persel

"Swede compensator"

Post by funMor »

To "Bill 177" and " cbpersel"

No, Bill, the "swede comp" is very different from that one. The one pictured look like a traditional Morini comp. The "swede comp" is very different, and much more effective, reducing the muzzle flip markedly.
Mr. "stale", can you bring a picture of the "swede comp" please?


Post by stale »

No, that one does not do the job. i'll try to get a picture off it.
it has totaly three main ports, and as stated earlier it reduces the muzzle flip with approx. 50%.
I did shoot with the rika simulator a few years ago. I tryed the original compensator and swedish compensator. No doubt the muzzle was much steadier with the swede.
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Post by cbpersel »

If possible . . . also provide information as to where the Swedish Morini compensator can be ordered.



swedish compensator

Post by stale »

Is there anyone who can tell me how to get a picture in here?
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