What is "US shooting system"?

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What is "US shooting system"?

Post by ruig »


I want to take an interest in US shooting system (Olympic kinds).

What is the system? Do You have there dedicated shooting schools? Where is Your Youth (I mean, do you have there shooting groups for 13-16 ages girls and boys?)?

Also, I've never heard a word about Your coaches? Do You have some there? Or You prefer to train yourselves?

For example: Here is dedicated sport schools - where young boys and girls, which decided to connect their life with sport, start their education. Till 1 P.M. they have usual studies and then,... sport trainings (here is different faculties: football, volleyball... and of course, sport shooting).
If You don't want to study in such boarding school, we train in our clubs (club system). For beginners is monthly fee of 3-6 $ US. For advanced shooters with good results: no fee. Here we have Classification Table.
For ex.: Free Pistol
567 - International Master Of Sports
555 - Master Of Sports
540 - Candidate For Master Of Sports
530 - 1st grade
515 - 2nd grade
Best shooters will be invited in National Team... etc...
On different local competitions is different "Grade Permit":
Russian Championship (or Cup) - not less than Candidate... etc...

What is about Your system there?

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Post by PETE S »

System? You are using the word correctly, but formal systems are not as well developed as they should be, particullarly in pistol. If you have read the threads about the attendance at the national champoinships and others, participation is dropping because of the lack of a system to develop shooters.
Hopefully the new national coach will help improve the situation.

There are classifiactions for shooters, I will look up the scores later. The top shooters are AA, followed by A, B, C, and D. The classification scores are event dependent.

The national governing organization, USAS does have junior camps at the very good training center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It is on a campus with many other Olympic sports. There are also "masters" camps for adult shooters that were aimed for shooters very close to making the team in score.

There is also a system of state events in many shoting events leading up to a junior olympic event each year. Local matches for juniors and adults are known as "PTO." PTO is short Preliminary Try Out for the national team and was intended to be a local match where competitors would qualify for the national chamionships.

The rest of the programs are mostly local in nature and vary depending on the people involved. Some are very good, some much lesser.

The National Rifle Association also hold events in international shooting, but is much bigger in the many other shooting disciplines such as high power rifle and pistol events similar to Standard pistol but in several calibers up to 45.
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