Polarization and Color filters on Iris???? Help!

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Polarization and Color filters on Iris???? Help!

Post by Guest »

I have really been trying to get back in the swing of smallbore, now that I am out of the military and have time to. The past couple weeks I have been experimenting with my Iris. I was shooting this morning and with the sun casting shadows from the tree branches I was having some problems with my results. However after fiddling with the Iris I would nail the x-ring. Then I would notice the target looking bad again after dropping some in the 9, I would readjust the iris untill the target and sights were sharp and nail the x-ring again. I have been looking in my books and havent found anything on polerization filters and color filters. If anyone knows of any books or software, or can give me a few pointers I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time, Daniel Miller.
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 12:57 pm

Post by echo3mike »

http://www.centershot.com/exploring/Art ... ghteff.htm

Marcus Raab wrote a peice on shooting in changing light. Only thing I could think of at 0445.

Hope it helps.
Posts: 36
Joined: Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:54 am
Location: Montevideo

Post by dgold »

You can find something on polarized filters (it doesn't specific for shooting) in:


http://www.schneider-kreuznach.com/pdf/ ... alog_e.pdf
Rob Butterworth

Post by Rob Butterworth »

One other thing to check-your eyes. If you haven't had your eyes checked recently, or ever, go to an optometrist. This just happened to me. I too have been getting back in small bore rifle. My scores were picking up, then leveled off, then started to dive. What happened?

When I started, I was shooting on Friday afternoons after a half day of work. When my scores started to level off and dive I was shooting after a 9 hour day on a computer screen. The targets were begining to look light gray and oval. Went to an optometrist (first time ever) and I have one eye that is a little off and will stick it's focal distance after a day on the computer. This blurs my dominante eye. I get new glasses next week, I'll tell you how it works.

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