5 shot air pistol target system

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5 shot air pistol target system

Post by rmca »

Hi all,

I´m looking for ideas on a 5 target turning system for air pistol.
Something that I can DIY, or commercial products that I can take ideas from.

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Ramon OP
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by Ramon OP »

Not all of these are turning targets, but they may be helpful for inspiration.

This is an old Häring 5 target turning setup (I have a box available at home): https://youtube.com/shorts/A9d8jMBlUcI?feature=share

The innards of the box: https://youtube.com/shorts/iXyPZzU97sk?feature=share.

Girocible makes this turning target for 25m. This is the kind of system you find in a lot of clubs. It uses a compressor to turn the targets: https://www.girocible.com/ciblerie-25-m ... ostes.html

Christian Reynaud makes and sells this model for air pistol: http://www.cybertir.com/cadrebase.html

Spanish shooter Jorge Llames makes these reduced targets for dry firing: https://www.instagram.com/llamesteam/p/ ... mg_index=1

This other system by David Kujas allows to choose the rapid fire event and add the target you want: https://youtu.be/d7Jot3RvJsw
Ramon (ISSF pistol coach D)
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by SPPcoach »

We have been pursuing this also.

We decided to make a system with red/green target lights using 12V trailer lights.
It is set up to be used at 10m.
One of my college athletes wrote a program to command the lights.

Our system has to be portable to take on and off the range for every practice.
The turning target part is mechanically more complicated than using lights to command start/stop.
A mechanical system would be heavier than a system with lights (MORE DIFFICULT TO MOVE).
I think it would me more fragile to move on and off the range repeatedly (bend linkages and mechanism).
We dont have to buy a compressor, actuators or pistons to turn the target bank; which is how most of these systems operate.

THE DISADVANTAGES. Our system has no way to verify if the shot was taken within the limited time window required for the string.
So it is a good system for training, but can't be used for any official scoring.

We can use reduced size targets to practice Sport Pistol and STD pistol at reduced 10m targets.
I can post pictures after our next practice.
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by Gwhite »

Just a thought: If you have to go down range and change targets after each series, what about a wind up system? Wind it up one 1/2 turns, and start with the targets facing. One pulse to a solenoid operated latch, and they edge. Another pulse, and they face, and a final pulse and they edge again.
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by SPPcoach »

That gets back to a mechanical system with hinges, linkages and springs.
Adds a lot of complexity, fragility and weight.
I'll post a video of it when I can.
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by JariN »

Finnish company that sells pellet traps and turning target systems for air guns. Not much details on website:

Standard products:
https://lsy.fi/images/document/12251827 ... to_LSY.pdf

(In finnish, sorry...)

Some old DIY project:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/projects/ ... t-project/
Todd Kraemer
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Re: 5 shot air pistol target system

Post by Todd Kraemer »

I’ve done the light switching for home range teaming. It works perfectly fine for training. I just had target illumination turn on/off. It’s obvious to the user when the shot is late,
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