Monocle or Monoframe?

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Monocle or Monoframe?

Post by Hamster »

I'm planning to get an Anschutz monocle or monoframe and wonder if anyone has a recommendation.
As shown here: ... nocle.html
For context, I'm a 60ish club level so-so shooter using Match 64 and now 54 wood stock rifles (both older) with stock Anschutz sights and Centra Sight 3.0 basic diopter. Currently using eyeglasses with correct distance prescription for astigmatism/myopia. I find that I have to hold my head quite erect to look thru the centre of the eyeglass lens where vision is clearest. If my head tilts forward, view thru upper area of lens is not as clear. So monocle sounds like a ready solution to this (plus safety glasses of course). Is there any advantage to monoframe over monocle? Can you leave monocle on cased rifle?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Tim S
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Re: Monocle or Monoframe?

Post by Tim S »


Several friends have the Anschutz Monoframe, and have no complaints. Looking at the MEC monocle, if you were using a low-profile rearsight and iris (e.g. a Centra Spy + Tiny), the Monocle would offer a wider view down-range than the Monoframe. With a bulkier resrsight and/or a full size eyepiece, there may not be any difference (except the price).

Yes, you can leave either on the rearsight, however I'd remove the rearsight from the rifle. I would remove the rearsight anyway.
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Re: Monocle or Monoframe?

Post by Hamster »

Tim S - thanks for your advice.
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Re: Monocle or Monoframe?

Post by colinlp »

Just to echo Tim's comments but also if you use them the Anschutz Monoframe has a M3 tapped hole at the end which you can use to attach a blinder should you use one, simply buy an M3 wheel screw and cut a blinder out of a plastic milk bottle or similar, easy to attach without dismantling the iris/rearsight
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Re: Monocle or Monoframe?

Post by KabalMSU »

He uses Centra Basic 3.0, it has the slot for Centra blinder. Easy to attach and adjust, much better and easier than screwed one.
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