Matchguns MG2 & MG2E Exploded Drawings

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Matchguns MG2 & MG2E Exploded Drawings

Post by BobGee »

Hi all,

A colleague of mine is trying to find usable drawings of the frames and trigger mechanisms for the older mechanical and electronic versions of the MG2. He has obtained an older MG2E which he wants to convert to a mechanical trigger (he's very handy in the machine shop) and needs to see what he's up against.

Does anyone have good quality copies of any drawings of these two pistols? He says that the frame he has has a lot of holes in it where the electronic trigger mechanism sits which, he assumes, are for pins, etc. for a mechanical trigger. Parts drawings would be useful too, if only to confirm, or otherwise, that the frames for the two pistols are identical.

Can anyone help? The Cesare Morini MG website has zero information.

Last edited by BobGee on Tue May 14, 2024 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Matchguns MG2 & MG2E Exploded Drawings

Post by kbc »

Hi Bob,

The exploded drawing of the new MG2 EVO is almost the same as the older MG2. If the your friend's MG2 is from the early to mid 2010s, the factory may still have the parts needed for the conversion.

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