Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

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Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

Post by Gwhite »

I'm trying to fix up a CP2 Match that belongs to the college team I help coach. The goal is to sell it to raise some money, but I want to make sure it's in good working order to maximize the price.

I want to investigate replacing a few parts, but the manual doesn't include a diagram or parts list. I found a diagram on-line, but it refers to the parts by a 3 digit location number. The one place I found that sells some parts has everything listed by a 7 digit Walther part number.

Does anyone have a cross-reference that maps the 3-digit exploded diagram numbers to the 7-digit Walther part number? Once the holidays are over, I can contact Earl's Repair Service and see what he says.

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Re: Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

Post by Th. »

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Re: Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

Post by Gwhite »

THANK YOU! I found that page on Walther's web site, but the display was sized just right so I didn't realize there was an additional section below the list of manuals that had diagrams & parts lists.
CP2 Cocking Parts.jpg
CP2 Cocking Parts.jpg (20.57 KiB) Viewed 12574 times
I'm not sure what happened in the past, but cocking link (part #314) had popped off the end of the cross pin (#313) that cocks the striker. The link is normally kept on the end of the pin by the grip. It may just be that someone was playing with it with the grip off, and it came loose. The side of the frame is a bit chewed up, like the cocking lever was operated with the link off the pin with the grip installed. That was the condition I found it in when I first investigated the pistol.

I want to prevent the link from coming loose in the future. It looks like it may have been bowed slightly outward, which would make it more likely to pop off. A longer pin (or moving the original outward a bit more) would help. I found replacement pins on a German site, but not the link. I can try to flatten this one, but I suspect it's hardened, and may be brittle.

The pin is apparently slightly knurled to keep it in place. That may make removing & replacing it with a longer one difficult, but I may be able to tap it outward a tiny bit if I can get at the back end.

Has anyone had experience in working with these two parts?

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Re: Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

Post by fc60 »


Judith Billharz has many Walther parts. ... 0-13250_s1

They are listed by the Walther part number.

I thought I saw the link there; but, now I cannot find it.


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Re: Secret Decoder for Walther "CP2 Match" Parts?

Post by Gwhite »

Thanks! That's where I found the pin, but the cocking link is not listed. The same part is used in the later models of CP2, the CP2 Match and the CP3, so I'm hoping it's not too scarce. The catch is that it's probably not a part that would need replacing often, so a lot of places might not think to stock any/many. They do have the equivalent part for the early CP2's, but the design is quite different.
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