Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

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Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by tedmosby7 »

My eyes are a bit sensitive and I notice that they seem to fatigue after shooting a little. If I take a break I can get them to "reset" but getting 10 clear shots in a row is a bit of challenge. My prescription is good and a grey color lens seems to help. I've heard of looking at something green to help.

Any thoughts?
Greg Derr
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by Greg Derr »

As we age the lenses in our eyes become less flexible and we tend to strain to shift focus. This can cause eye fatigue. Another factor is the eyes contain some if the the smallest capillaries in our body. As we age blood flow can slow down due to weight and blood pressure. Capillaries also get clogged with glucose, restricting new oxygenated blood from reaching them.( losing ones eyesight is a byproduct of some forms of Diabetes ) If you are older just take your time, breathe through your mouth to increase oxygen flow into the blood.
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by mus »

The floor of our club's 10/12 meter range is gray concrete, it helps if I close my eyes between shots for a few seconds, then open them looking down at the dark floor, deliberately blink two or three times and only then start the shot cycle of raising the pistol etc.

If I'm shooting in the evening - which is most of the time - success (improbable) or failure (more likely) will depend on the events and stress levels achieved during the day so far...
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by porkchop »

Greg, I knew the Opthamologist checked my blood vessels in my eyes, but I didn't know what clogged them. To the OP, I was told not to stare or look at the target constantly, only when I'm going to shoot it. Have you tried using lubricating eye drops, the pharmacies have many brands. Don't buy the kind that says, gets the red out, you want eye lubricant.
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by PirateJohn »

When I'm shooting for score, I always unfocus my eyes and look in the direction of either the floor or something distant after every two shots. I'll often look like I'm spaced out. I generally count my breaths and try not to focus on any object, and do that for about twenty to thirty seconds.
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by toddinjax »

For whatever it might be worth, I carry a little bottle of artificial tears in my range bag. A drop or two does seem to make a subtle difference in "comfort" felt mostly when you blink. Costs 2 or 3 bucks a year, definitely doesn't do anything negative when I remember to use.
I have seen a few ISSF finals videos with competitors emphatically blinking while they raised their guns and stopped at some point during its decent.
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Re: Refreshing or resetting eyes between shots

Post by tedmosby7 »

Great advice, thanks all!
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