Hello folks.
Can somebody give me a rundown on how the electronic Trigger works on a Pardini?
Is it legal for bull's-eye shooting? If so, is there advantage over a regular trigger? Somebody shine some light on this.
Thank you.
Pardini SP or SP1 Question?
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Re: Pardini SP or SP1 Question?
As far as I know, Pardini discontinued their electronic trigger. They had all sorts of problems with them, and I don't think you can get parts or service. It may have been operator error, but I saw one go off into the bench at a match at Fort Benning once. The shooter swore they never touched the trigger. Unless they have come out with a new one, I would avoid them at all costs. Even then, I would be very cautious.
- Posts: 74
- Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:13 pm
Re: Pardini SP or SP1 Question?
I have one that must be a unicorn, because it works flawlessly. I think most of the problems encountered were either mis-adjustment of the trigger and/or dirt entering the microswitch.
With that said, the biggest advantage in my opinion is that there is no difference in trigger weight after the sear releases. This keeps your finger from accelerating after sear release, hitting the stop, and thus sending your piece of lead in a direction you did not intend.
Pardini assured me that the mechanical trigger can be adjusted to the same "feeling" as the electronic. After spending almost an entire day with Alex I have come to the conclusion that is not possible. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong or bad with the mechanical trigger, I just prefer the electronic on all my pistols.
With that said, the biggest advantage in my opinion is that there is no difference in trigger weight after the sear releases. This keeps your finger from accelerating after sear release, hitting the stop, and thus sending your piece of lead in a direction you did not intend.
Pardini assured me that the mechanical trigger can be adjusted to the same "feeling" as the electronic. After spending almost an entire day with Alex I have come to the conclusion that is not possible. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong or bad with the mechanical trigger, I just prefer the electronic on all my pistols.
Re: Pardini SP or SP1 Question?
I had one, it was a disaster. Never again, stick with the mechanical trigger and not have the hassles.
There is a good reason Pardini discontinued it!
There is a good reason Pardini discontinued it!
Re: Pardini SP or SP1 Question?
After some teething problems mine worked flawlessly for almost 15 years... and then it started doubling shots and was unrecoverable. What makes them problematic is that they cause "exotic" malfunctions like doubling or failing to fire because of some contact issue that resolves itself by the time the range official comes by.