Toz 49 brass availability?

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Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by Leon »

I have an opportunity to purchase a new, unfired Toz 49 and am wondering about the availability of it's special brass?

Still freely available or has this gone the way of the dodo?
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Post by madmax »


An unused TOZ49?? What a find!!

Yes, the brass is available, sort of.

Its actually for the TOZ36, so its about 12mm too long. Requires cutting off and trimming. I've used a 49 for some time, can't fault it. Found it easier to shoot than my Manurhin MR73, but accuracy is the same. Finding the reloading bits is a bit of a treasure hunt, but they are available, as there isn't very much made for the TOZ brass.

Dies are available from Jansa in Bexley. Brass (7.72 Nagant) is available from Bertram Bullet Co in Victoria.

Apart from the hunting around for reloading parts, shooting the TOZ is quite enjoyable. Some of the grips are a bit rough, but I've converted a set of grips made for the S&W K frame. just required a change to the inletting.

Grab it, and enjoy.

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Post by JamesH »

New Toz 49 brass is available from Bertram Bullet Co, ask for 7.62x26 for Toz 49, no need to trim Toz 36 brass. Its around $80/100 though.

They can last a long time, with light loads you barely need to resize the cases if at all, since its tapered you can tune how much sizing you do.

Bullets need to be around .308-309-310

I reload it using just the sizing die from Simplex, with Dillon .32SWL dies for the rest.

If you don't buy the gun please let me know and I'll be interested.
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by ruig »

[many many years later]


Shooting buddy sold me his new backup TOZ-49. And 2-3 kilos of original ussr fired brass.

Petr Kurka helped me to deliver to Europe Simplex Dies for 7,63 Nagant Sport.

Local store also has 2000 5mm RWS berdan primers on stock (no so easy to find).

I would like to know your opinion.

Use original brass?
I can make a deprimer tool and go brass for brass (Simplex Die is for boxer primers). Not a lot of work because I shoot center fire only 3x per year.

I could also find PPU boxer brass (mod. C-470) 7,62 and shorten them to 26mm (I dont have tool for that).

Good reloading data to start with?
At the moment I have only no-name 100gr .313 for .32 S&W reloading (good for my SP20 and Manurhin MR32).

Thanks in advance
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by rmca »

Reloading berdan primmers is a real pain. Specially removing them without damage to the cartridge. It can be done, and rcbs has a tool for it.

I would try both, start with the berdan cases you have and try to find boxer cases. For trimming, Lee trim dies are hard to beat for the price. It's less work than the berdan primmers...

For reloading see this tread
For reloading data: ... 4/-1/-1/-1

Hope this helps
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by j danielsson »

I decap my russian berdan cases with water and a .314 expander. Works everytime but should be done outdoors.
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by rmca »

j danielsson wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:51 pm I decap my russian berdan cases with water and a .314 expander. Works everytime but should be done outdoors.
In a reloading press? Could you please share a bit more detail on this?

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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by Gwhite »

I think the approach usually involves a mallet, and a way to support the head of the case with a hole for the primer (and water) to exit. Fill, whack, repeat...
j danielsson
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by j danielsson »

rmca wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:28 pm
j danielsson wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:51 pm I decap my russian berdan cases with water and a .314 expander. Works everytime but should be done outdoors.
In a reloading press? Could you please share a bit more detail on this?

I use am old Lee single stage press, yes.
The expander l use is as long as a 98gr wc and made from a screwdriver, but l guess most others will do.
A little soap in the bucket helps filling the case and is probably god for lubrication too. I don't have to hit anything but l raise the ram quickly.
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by rmca »

The way primmer availability has been (its better now, but not near pre-war levels) its good to know one more solution...
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Re: Toz 49 brass availability?

Post by ruig »

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