What brands and models of handguns should I consider ?

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What brands and models of handguns should I consider ?

Post by CodyNorris »

I'd like to pursue international AP. I'd rather purchase once and cry once. What brands and models of handguns should I consider for usage at the highest levels of competition?
Is an electronic trigger required to compete at the international level?
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Re: What brands and models of handguns should I consider ?

Post by brent375hh »

No, an electronic trigger is not a requirement. Watch some World Cup matches on Youtube. Plenty of people have made it to the finals/podium with mechanical Steyr, Pardini, and Walther models. An occasional FWB can also be seen.
I have seen where electronics failed the competitors, but have not seen a mechanical one fail. There was a person who was shooting a Steyr LP10 well, then switched to a new Evo E. Their scores dropped off. Mechanical versions do require a little knowledge of setup, and need to be checked after break-in as they lose weight until the sear surfaces polish in.
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