Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

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B Lafferty
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Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by B Lafferty »

My daughter unearthed a box of my possessions that were never transferred to me during my divorce from she who shall not be named some nine years ago. In that box were 400 National single bull ap targets. I've tried using them and they are truly awful. Virtually no clean holes. I've tried spraying the back of each target with hairspray which has slightly improved the holes. I'd like to improve them enough to just use them for focusing on technique to better group size. The actual score is meaningless using these. Shooting for a score will be done on Kruger targets.

I'd welcome any suggestions for improving the performance of these pieces of paper. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by marky-d »

Some sort of backer can do miraculous things. I usually just double-up bad targets with a second, used target (stagger the position so you're not just shooting through the same hole). I've had others swear by the postage-paid return mailers they get in magazines and other junk mail. Often it doesn't take much to provide a little extras support.

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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by Gwhite »

Depending on how they were stored & the local humidity, some people report significant improvement by baking them at a low temperature to dry them out & make them a bit "crispy".

If you have Krugers, I'd cut used ones in quarters, and use them as backers.
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by Bsquareng »

I have had fairly good luck backing National targets with blue painters masking tape. The results at well below Krugers but a big improvement.
B Lafferty
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by B Lafferty »

marky-d wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:11 am Some sort of backer can do miraculous things. I usually just double-up bad targets with a second, used target (stagger the position so you're not just shooting through the same hole). I've had others swear by the postage-paid return mailers they get in magazines and other junk mail. Often it doesn't take much to provide a little extras support.

Thanks. It worked weel enough.
"No mud; no Lotus."-- Thich Nhat Hanh
B Lafferty
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by B Lafferty »

I came across Rover's post on another thread suggesting that a strip of 2" masking tape on the back of the target helps greatly. It does. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by Rover »

Cackle! I shot a really big match once upon a time. At the end of the match they had cartons of top quality targets with only one shot on each one. A couple of those cartons went home with me.
B Lafferty
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Re: Improving Garbage National Paper Targets?

Post by B Lafferty »

Rover wrote: Sat May 13, 2023 4:42 pm Cackle! I shot a really big match once upon a time. At the end of the match they had cartons of top quality targets with only one shot on each one. A couple of those cartons went home with me.
Lifetime supply? :-)
"No mud; no Lotus."-- Thich Nhat Hanh
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