I know I shouldn't purchase a firearm without trying it, however I'm in Canada and with the pistol ban imminent last year, when I saw one of these pop up at the store used, I went for it. The store said they test fired it and it functioned properly.
Now i'm not able to find much detail in the manuals online, and I was hoping that the more experienced folks here might point me in the right direction. Seems like the one I purchased is an older/different version than the ones with the battery drain indicator. Also the on/off switch is not labeled with words, but with a red dot on where I believe is the on position. I tried to dryfire by pulling the trigger on either positions with new batteries inserted but I'm not hearing a pin strike.
This could be user error, are there additional requirements to dry firing or operations that you guys might be able to point me towards?
The label on it says CAT 15097
