Roughen up quickwood on grips

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Roughen up quickwood on grips

Post by tedmosby7 »

I have been working with quickwood on my air pistol grips and when you sand down some areas it gets quite smooth. I notice my hand tends to slip a little. How do you guys get around that? Stipple it? Is there a dremel attachment? Throw some grip tape on there? TIA.
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Re: Roughen up quickwood on grips

Post by SteveT »

I use grip tape or superglue and a sample of sandblasting media I got years ago. I would think a pointed Dremel bit would work. I don't think traditional stippling with a punch and hammer is a good idea as it would probably break off chips.
B Lafferty
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Re: Roughen up quickwood on grips

Post by B Lafferty »

SteveT wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:21 pm I use grip tape or superglue and a sample of sandblasting media I got years ago. I would think a pointed Dremel bit would work. I don't think traditional stippling with a punch and hammer is a good idea as it would probably break off chips.
The point of a dremel tip does in fact work very well. I've done it that way on QuickWood. It's less effective on the hand itself. ;-)
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Re: Roughen up quickwood on grips

Post by BobGee »

I use a cheap engraving tool from our local hardware superstore. Has a variable speed of vibration. Doesn’t chip the quickwood. ... r_p6290600
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