By Brittany Nelson, USAS Public Relations & Communications Manager

COLO SPRGS, CO (Jan. 12, 2023) – The ISSF held their 70th General Assembly meeting in Egypt Dec. 1, 2022 where USA Shooting representatives were present and elected to the new ISSF leadership team.
Kimberly Rhode, six-time Olympic medalist, was elected as one of four ISSF vice presidents and Dr. James Lally was re-elected as chairman of the medical committee. Robert Mitchell and Susan Abbott announced their retirement from the ISSF.
Chad Whittenburg, Chairman of the USA Shooting Board of Directors, and Jim Mitchell, member of the USA Shooting Board of Directors, attended the assembly and represented the USA Federation.
“It’s great to see the world shooting community unite for change and press for peace and transparency,” said Whittenburg. “We worked hard over the last year to put the USA in a good position within ISSF. I would like to sincerely thank Chairman Susan Abbott, and Vice President Robert Mitchell for their long and dedicated service.”
USA Shooting won several awards at the assembly:
Best Showing at the 2020 Olympics
Silver Plate for Overall Performance in 2020
Best Dress Code
Best Internet Audience
The ISSF also had their presidential election. Luciano Rossi defeated Vladimir Lisin, the former president, 136 votes to 127.