Old shooting jackets and pants

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Old shooting jackets and pants

Post by PaulB »

Looking for a recommendation on what to do with pretty old shooting jackets and pants. Would these be of any use to anyone or should I just trash them?

I have black leather outside with canvas inside ISU style 10X and Hawkeye brand jackets from the 1970's and 1980's. (used)
Also, some heavy 10X coats with the cinch type straps that were converted to light coats in the mid 1970's (used)
Also have 10X brand cloth coats with the large rubber elbow pads. (used)
Also, some of the OD green cloth jackets with thick quilted elbow pads that the CMP sold maybe 25-30 years ago. (used)
Also, some of the cloth 10X shooting pants with rubber on the knees and seat that we wore before the stiff canvas came out (new & used)
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Re: Old shooting jackets and pants

Post by marky-d »

I'd put them up in the Classifieds for the cost of shipping if you'd otherwise just toss them. I'm sure there are plenty of cheapskates (like me) that might be interested if the sizing is right.

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Re: Old shooting jackets and pants

Post by Richard144 »

List everything and put it on Ebay or here. Club level shooters are always looking for inexpensive equipment.
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Re: Old shooting jackets and pants

Post by TomAmlie »

There are probably junior programs that would love to have some of them. I know we would for both Jr Air and 22 (https://www.mountjoysportsmen.com/event ... -programs/)
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