How many times you raise your arm

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How many times you raise your arm

Post by coker »

Hello All,
on a 60 shot slow fire, how many times you raise your arm? for shot records, no dry fire off course.
i remember from the Yur Yiev book table, some of the top shooters (at that time) will raise between 120 to 180 times their arm during a 60 shot match
Me? i prob raise my arm no more than 65 -75 times , patience is what i don't have.

never abort? just get the shot out? ,,, yes,, a no no no in slow fire. (air or free)


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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by Gwhite »

You have to figure out what works best for you. There is NO specific "optimum" number of times to abort your shots. If most of your shots are pretty good, and you have a few fliers, THOSE are the ones you should have aborted...

Also keep in mind that Yur Yev is hardly current. I don't recall if they discuss this specifically, but I'd check the MEC book.
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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by madmax »

Yur Yev shows how many times the top shooters raise the pistol during a match. He shows how wide the variation is. As in most things shooting related, it's an individual matter.

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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by madmax »

Yur Yev shows how many times the top shooters raise the pistol during a match. He shows how wide the variation is. As in most things shooting related, it's an individual matter.
It's not so much that Yur Yev's book is out of date, it's more to the fact that he provides a solid base for learning the sport.

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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by UnGe »

Minor correction: author name is Yur'yev, not Yur Yev (old way of transliterating cyrillic)

For the topic - I do at most 61 raises :) (that's why probably my results are not too impressive) - still need to learn how to abort already started trigger pull, as all my previous training was towards making it almost completely subconscious..
B Lafferty
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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by B Lafferty »

As my shooting shoulder has become more arthritic from a sports injury in middle-school, I find that I'm aborting shots more often, about 30% of the time. One thing that I've noticed with myself is that I have a tendency to want to get the re-done shot off more quickly than I should. Thus I have to really be careful to start the re-done shot as if it were the original attempt. All of this is to say that so much of shooting is truly mental.
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David M
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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by David M »

Still upwards of 100 times, but the match's are a lot shorter than they were.
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Re: How many times you raise your arm

Post by coker »

yes, sorry, my bad,,, i found and re read the Yur'yev book,,, most top shooters (from the 1950's) make their shot at the first try. rarely on a second attempt and much rare on the third.. the idea says,, is to conserve energy, and i guess, focus on your first and only shot. do not hesitate i guess.
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