Winter Airgun
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- Posts: 374
- Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2021 5:33 pm
Winter Airgun
So who's going to Winter Airgun next weekend? I'm competing at Camp Perry in the 4th group. Hoping to make up for my disaster from May.
- Posts: 262
- Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2015 4:22 pm
Re: Winter Airgun
I'll be there with my son Stewart, who will be shooting his very first match. He just took up air pistol a couple of months ago and is loving it. I'll also be set up with a table like what I have on Commercial Row in the summer talking to people about Precision Target Pistol Grips. I'll have my 3d scanner there fired-up, so if you've got a grip you love and would like it copied for another gun, drop by. I can scan it while you wait.
See you there,
See you there,
- Posts: 459
- Joined: Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:23 am
Re: Winter Airgun
I was seriously thinking about going, but for the current beginning holiday Covid surge along with rising flu and respiratory virus infections. Even though I'm bivalent boosted, my age (73) and being two years out from thus far successful robotic assisted prostate cancer surgery, the risk of contracting long Covid as several of my friends have is, for me, just not an acceptable risk this year. Hopefully next Winter. Good luck to all participating!
"No mud; no Lotus."-- Thich Nhat Hanh