Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

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Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by kbean »

Any suggestions? A lot of the pistol cases I see look to be too short. Need something that is TSA approved and durable.
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Re: Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by Gwhite »

Most of the shooters I know who travel a lot use Pelican cases, or clones. The team I help coach uses Pelicans, and they are very sturdy (but expensive). The ones with a pull-up handle & wheels are easy to manage. There are quite a few sizes, depending on how much gear you want to carry.

For team travel, we have several Pelican iM2720 Storm Trak cases. Each one can hold 5 Negrini pistols boxes that all the pistol manufacturers use (Steyr, Pardini, MatchGuns, Morini, etc.). We used to pack 8 pistols in a larger case, but many airlines limit you to 5 pistols per case now. Five Negrini boxes fit perfectly with a bit of foam on the ends:
New Sport Pistol Case 2 sm.jpg
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Re: Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by JamesH »

On pelicans if you use a padlock they routinely get torn off in baggage handling - you'll need their lifetime warranty.

It helps to tape them down.
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Re: Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by Gwhite »

That is the one weakness of the Pelicans. We have never had a lock broken off, but the plastic is thinner there than I would like. Some of the models come with a thin sheet metal reinforcing piece, but if it gets whacked hard enough to rip the lock off, it will just take the metal bit with it.

If you can find something similar with a sturdy built in lock, let us know.
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Re: Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by m1963 »

The latches on the standard Pelican cases break, from time to time. The latches on the Pelican Storm cases last. We have not been able to break a latch on a Storm case, yet.
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Re: Suggestions for Airline Pistol Cases

Post by Mike M. »

I'm fond of ICC cases. I had them run me up a custom case fifteen years specifically for international travel, and it's held up nicely.
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