2023 Junior Olympic Rifle and Pistol Cycle Has Begun

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USA Shooting
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:27 am

2023 Junior Olympic Rifle and Pistol Cycle Has Begun

Post by USA Shooting »

2023 Junior Olympic Rifle and Pistol Cycle Has Begun

Attention USA Shooting Junior Olympic Rifle & Pistol Athletes:

The 2022-2023 Junior Olympic cycle has begun! The list of State JO Match Host Sites is now posted on the Events page of the USA Shooting website at: https://usashooting.org/get-involved/events/

You can also find information about automatic invite cut-off scores on the events page. Information about the National Junior Olympic Championships will be posted there as well as it becomes available.

For information about a specific Junior Olympic State match, please reach out to the person of contact listed on the match’s host site list.

If there is not a State Junior Olympic Competition for your event in your state, please talk to your USA Shooting Club Administrator or coach to see if they are willing and able to host that event. If your club would like to be added as host site, and there are no other host sites for that event in your state, please contact andrew.traciak@usashooting.org for information.

Thank you to all our 2022-2023 Junior Olympic host cubs, and good luck and good shooting to all our Junior Olympic Athletes!
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