Vuity Eye drops
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Vuity Eye drops
I tried the new FDA approved eye drops for presbyopia. ... gJoUPD_BwE
Vuity( 1.25% pilocarpine) constrict your pupils for about 6-8 hours. Allow you to see both near and far vision clearER.
I tried it just to see if it makes my daily close up vision better. It certainly does. Light is a tinge darker under bright light, otherwise perfect vision both far and near.
I still wear my presbyopia progressive lens, but bubbling head up and down to search for near vision clarity is wonderfully less with this Vuity eye drops.
Now the pistol shooting application (we criminals all think alike :)
For me, a high myopia -8, even with +0.5, +0.75, +1.0, front sight clarity, at best, is workable, but never perfect under different light.
With this eye drop, front sight is clear, under different light conditions.
The pistol shooting down side is that distant vision is also clearer with this pupil constricting effect.
The only description I can come with, for this eye drop, is like comparing regular binocular with image stabilizing binocular. Until you use one, you don’t know what you were missing, just like seeing different tree leaves blowing in the wind with image stabilizing binocular.
For those of you who can benefit from this Vuity eye drops, try it out.
This is just the first to come into market. Many more will come into market in the near future. Seeing well for older people is a very big market. ... gJoUPD_BwE
Vuity( 1.25% pilocarpine) constrict your pupils for about 6-8 hours. Allow you to see both near and far vision clearER.
I tried it just to see if it makes my daily close up vision better. It certainly does. Light is a tinge darker under bright light, otherwise perfect vision both far and near.
I still wear my presbyopia progressive lens, but bubbling head up and down to search for near vision clarity is wonderfully less with this Vuity eye drops.
Now the pistol shooting application (we criminals all think alike :)
For me, a high myopia -8, even with +0.5, +0.75, +1.0, front sight clarity, at best, is workable, but never perfect under different light.
With this eye drop, front sight is clear, under different light conditions.
The pistol shooting down side is that distant vision is also clearer with this pupil constricting effect.
The only description I can come with, for this eye drop, is like comparing regular binocular with image stabilizing binocular. Until you use one, you don’t know what you were missing, just like seeing different tree leaves blowing in the wind with image stabilizing binocular.
For those of you who can benefit from this Vuity eye drops, try it out.
This is just the first to come into market. Many more will come into market in the near future. Seeing well for older people is a very big market.
Re: Vuity Eye drops
Now, whether this eye drop is legal for Olympic pistol competition is a different story. For me, I don’t think it is illegal. I need to see to compete.
- Posts: 374
- Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2021 5:33 pm
Re: Vuity Eye drops
Wouldn't putting an iris on your shooting glasses have the same effect?
Re: Vuity Eye drops
You might want to check these threads before you try... ... ent-506265 ... ent-506265
Re: Vuity Eye drops
Not to hijack into a different topic but; I sometimes use a drop or two of artificial tears before shooting. I does somehow feel better, slippery, easier to blink. Not a huge night/day difference but for the couple bucks it costs I think worth the (minimal) effort.
Re: Vuity Eye drops
Excerpts from
and from ... 847-vuity/
Using vuity?? Read this!!
I am typing this with my head down in the recovery position--six days to go......detached retina. Had a complete eye exam and left with a Vuity (pilocarpine) sample about a month ago. I tested it--one drop in my shooting eye only. Used a total of eleven drops over three weeks. Saw a bunch of black floaters and brushed it off. A week later I was in the operating room. The surgeon said I was the third one an he is writing an article for publication. More later when I am feeling better.
Pilocarpine (the active ingredient in Vuity) has been used to treat certain types of glaucoma for over a hundred years. I've used it on hundreds of patients with glaucoma for the past 32 years with only one known case of a retinal detachment occurring. Vuity is used once a day, for glaucoma it's used 4 times a day and the strength is higher. So the risk of retinal detachment while real, is very small. People who are highly myopic (extremely nearsighted) or have a history of a previous retinal detachment should avoid Vuity.
and from ... 847-vuity/
John R. Sylvester
Pilocarpine is the main ingredient in this drug and it was previously used as a glaucoma treatment. It constricts the ciliary muscle(your iris) and makes your pupil opening smaller. This in turns opens the angles on the ciliary body and promotes outflow of aqueous fluid to treat glaucoma (high eye pressure). When your iris constricts it pulls on the aqueous Humor (the gel in the posterior chamber of your eye) this in turn causes traction forces on your retina and can result in tears, particularly in people with a history of retinal tears or lattice. Peripheral tears are not too concerning and can be fixed pretty easy most of the time but tears to your fovea (central vision) can cause some really serious vision loss.
I’d benefit greatly using Pilocarpine since my pupil was damaged and no longer constricts at all ( permanently dilated in that eye). However the risk of retinal damage is far too great and my retina is already damaged beyond repair in the central vision area.
I would NEVER use Vuity or any drug that contains pilocarpine. The risk far outweighs the reward coming from a guy that has a lifetime of trauma induced glaucoma management and retinal issues.
I’m surprised this drug is being marketed as such. Myopic eyes are really at a higher risk for side effects more than anyone else so if you really want to use it go consult a retina specialist first and you’ll never touch the stuff. Retina damage is half the reason I’m done shooting.
Re: Vuity Eye drops
If it's just for shooting, if all it does is reduce your pupil size (which increases your "depth of field"), you can achieve the same effect with an adjustable aperture/iris. Either a clip-on for your glasses: ... s&item=390
or ones designed as an accessory for shooting glasses, like Champion, Knobloch, etc.
Either option is completely safe, and cost less than a bottle of Vuity. ... s&item=390
or ones designed as an accessory for shooting glasses, like Champion, Knobloch, etc.
Either option is completely safe, and cost less than a bottle of Vuity.