Steyr EVO E battery connector type?

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Steyr EVO E battery connector type?

Post by rmca »

Does anyone know the name/type of connector used by Steyr in the battery on their EVO E models?

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Re: Steyr EVO E battery connector type?

Post by Gwhite »

I found a picture of a spare battery with the connector:
Steyr EVO E Battery.jpg
Steyr EVO E Battery.jpg (12.51 KiB) Viewed 893 times
There are hundreds of different tiny connectors like this out there. I don't recognize this one, but that doesn't mean much. I once spend a good part of an afternoon wading through options on Digikey's website to find a slightly different small, white, two pin connector, but I was eventually successful. I have no idea if they use a European brand connector, or a Chinese one like I needed.

Good luck!
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Re: Steyr EVO E battery connector type?

Post by rmca »

A picture or two will probably help... good thinking!
There is nothing wrong with this one, but since I've found a similar battery with the same dimensions I would like to have a spare battery.
20221018_220524 (1).jpg
20221018_220431 (1).jpg
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