Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

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Ramon OP
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Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by Ramon OP »

My Pardini HP (.32 S&W wadcutter version) has lots of trouble with feeding. I cannot shoot a full 5 round series without having at least one cartridge failing to chamber and resting in a diagonal from the magazine to the side of the cannon. Sometimes it happens when trying to load the first round, other times after the first shot, others later.

I've searched TargetTalk and elsewhere bit have not been able to find pointers to understand what is happening and what's the source of the issue: ammo, magazines, guiding rod, spring...

I've cleaned it and change the extractor.

Can you please help me figure out how to find and fix the culprit?

Ramon (ISSF pistol coach D)
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Re: Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by Gwhite »

Basic debugging process:

Did it ever work? If so, something has changed... That might provide a clue. Wear, dirt, lack of lubrication can all be involved.

Feeding problems are very often a magazine issue. Is it worn or dirty? Try different magazines.

On Pardini .22's the first thing people tend to do is replace the recoil spring, and the buffers.

I'm not an expert on the .32, but ammunition is also a likely source of trouble. Try different ammo.

Check the bolt face for burrs. I had a busted firing pin put a tiny nick on the bolt face of one pistol that caused all kinds of problems. The rounds need to slide up the bolt face smoothly.

Good luck!
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Re: Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by rmca »

Ramon, this would be my steps to diagnose, assuming you didn't change anything (ammo, springs, etc...):

1º- Take the magazine apart. There is a pin in the bottom plate, take it out and inspect the spring. I have seen three broken springs in the past two years (one was my own!). Once it's apart, clean it really well. Most people clean the gun and forget the magazine... both are equally important for the gun to function well. The follower must slide freely.

2º- Check the magazine lips. They are the ones that determine the angle the round is presented to the bolt and barrel. Probably need a little bend inwards at the back, where the rim of the cartridge touches. Apply a gentle touch and don't collapse the middle. The round still has to pass between the lips without friction.

3º- Check your firing pin. A broken and "floating" firing pin can cause what you describe. Especially feeding a round.

4º- Check the extractor. They tend to break the tip off.

5º- If your Pardini still has the recoil buffer in the frame, check to see if it needs replacement.

6º- If noting helps, the recoil spring is the next thing I wound change, along with the buffer o-rings, extractor and spring, and firing pin return spring.

Again, I'm assuming you didn't change anything before this started happening...

Hope this helps
David M
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Re: Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by David M »

First question...Factory loads or reloads ?
What is the cartridge overall length. Reason is the Pardini has a tight magazine on LOA.
Rounds should be flush to max 0.005" lead exposed at the mouth.
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Re: Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by BobGee »

David M wrote: Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:46 am First question...Factory loads or reloads ?
What is the cartridge overall length. Reason is the Pardini has a tight magazine on LOA.
Rounds should be flush to max 0.005" lead exposed at the mouth.

Greg Derr
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Re: Help debugging Pardini HP feeding issues

Post by Greg Derr »

The Ammo choice is important. Try a quality ammo like Fiocchi or Lapua. The bullet should actually be seated below the case mouth and the mouth slightly rolled to provide a smooth surface for feeding. And remember the feed ramp is on the magazine.
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