My first post. Very short bio: I am from the Netherlands and have been a sport shooter since 1989.
For target shooting I use a Benelli MP90 and S&W revolvers 686 and a 696.
I also have great interest in the guns themselves, the technique and history etc.
The more unknown Target Pistol have also my interest, for instance the Agner M.80. And the unreachable George Wilson .45 match.
The Britarms 2000 I have seen around on the internet and after seeing one for sale I googled for more info.
Only a MK2 appears on the internet. Was there a MK1?
And are the MK3 and .32 versions ever really made? See the flyer mentioning MK3 and .32 versions I found but do they exist?
Those questions I have asked Alan Westlake from Westlake engineering and after his holiday he would get back to me.
Of course If anyone has more info on the Britarms to share, please!
BUT Googling I found a bigger mystery to me.
BG international. A poor pistol, missing parts and was offered on an auktion starting at $35 and did not sell.
I can not find any info on it. Not one other picture. I do see similarities in the frame to barrel fitting. The BG is a bottom feeder, the Britarms a top feeder. But are they related?
Who does now more?

A Britarms to compare

Britarms adds