Modifing an older AP

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Modifing an older AP

Post by ModestoPete »

I have an older Feinwerbau 2 CO2 pistol. The grip on top stops with the frame. More modern pistols have the grip extend over the top of the hand. Within the rules, can I attach a piece of wood under the frame to extend over the top of my hand?

I have attached two photos showing the difference between the old and the new.

Thank you for your comments
Feinwerkbau P8X Air Pistol.jpg
Feinwerkbau P8X Air Pistol.jpg (4.67 KiB) Viewed 847 times
FWB-Model-2-pistol1.jpg (10.63 KiB) Viewed 847 times
Last edited by ModestoPete on Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Modifing an older AP

Post by Gwhite »

As long as it still fits in "the box", and doesn't go down over the top of the hand on the sides (check the ISSF rules for details), there's no reason you can't do it. You might even be able to buy a Rink grip that already does it.
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Re: Modifing an older AP

Post by Rover »

Could you?
Would you?
Should you?
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Re: Modifing an older AP

Post by Gwhite »

If you are interested in esthetics, then it's up to you. However, if you think it will magically make it shoot better, it won't. Modern pistols do it because they have moved the frame & bore-line forward & down, and the grip needs to provide a comfortable shape at the upper rear, and also some physical protection for the sights.

I've seen people go to great lengths to putty or pad the area above the hand between the thumb & forefinger. The support for the pistol is down on the top of the 2nd finger, and up at the heel of the hand. Unless you clamp your hand in the grip with the heel rest (not recommended), the first thing that happens when you pick up a pistol is a gap opens up under the rear sight. At a minimum, the pressure on the grip there drops significantly. That part of the hand is squishy, and (IMHO) trying to get added support in that area is a waste of time.
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