Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

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Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by mojoatomic »

So, I ordered a Walther LP500 Expert with carbon fiber cylinder from Krale earlier this week. UPS dropped off a package today, but what I got seems to be the competition model with aluminum cylinders. Ugh.

Note the silver tip in the compensator denoting the competition model as opposed to red for expert.

Anyway, I sent an email, hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow.

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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by william »

I don't want to be cynical, but.... What are the chances they simply shipped you what they happened to have in stock?
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Brazos »

You got the Expert model. I got the exact one. Look at the end of the case and the label will say Expert model. The new ones come with 2 aluminum air cylinders instead of one carbon fiber. The red tip is now silver. Look at (I think that is the website, going off the top of my head) and it will show you your exact pistol. Personally I am now glad I got the 2 aluminum tubes and not one carbon fiber tube as the 2 tubes have been useful. When I ordered the pistol I was assuming I was going to get one exactly as you described.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by mojoatomic »

Seems you are correct. Shame about the carbon fiber cylinder substitution though, wish that had been stated on the Krale sight.

If you ordered a single carbon fiber cylinder, would they ship 2 aluminum ones? That would probably be a good deal :-)
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by masaki »

I would suggest you to measure the weight of the Aluminum cylinder. If it is heavier than 160 grams, which is the carbon cylinder's nominal weight, and you prefer lighter gun, you may have to remove the barrel shroud to achieve the original EXPERT's total gun weight, which is 920-930(with a 10-gram weight) grams.

an owner of LP500 Expert
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Azmodan »

seems like Walther changed the lineup of LP500. before there were 5 or 6 models. now there are only 3: Basic, Expert and Meister Manufacture (the only one with carbon cylinder).
before there was also a customization option. that seems to be gone as well
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by mojoatomic »

According to the Walther website, all of this seems 100% correct. Looks like the Expert does ship with 2x aluminum cylinders now.

I just wish Krale would have updated their website to reflect the change - it's extremely difficult to manage customer expectations when you promise one thing and send another. Its far easier to explain this up front, before money is taken and a shipment is made.

In any case, I sent an email to Krale; probably have a response on Monday. I'm sure it's just a conversation.
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Mine is basic

Post by nmondal »

Yep, they did change.
Even the basic model is pretty low end basic now - not having the ported barrel and all.
I have the lowest one.
They call it "Economy".

10 M Air pistol : Walther LP 500 Basic | Earlier Hammerli AP 20 Pro.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Brazos »

I don’t think Krale did anything wrong. You ordered a LP500 Expert and that’s what you got. You got the the latest expert Walther is selling. The only place I have seen the change listed is on Everywhere else still shows the carbon fiber with the red tip. When I ordered mine from Krale I wondered if I would get an older stock pistol or the newer stock. I was really undecided as to which I wanted so didn’t bother asking. In my case I am very glad I got the 2 aluminum cylinders.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by mojoatomic »

Brazos wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:37 pm I don’t think Krale did anything wrong. You ordered a LP500 Expert and that’s what you got. You got the the latest expert Walther is selling. The only place I have seen the change listed is on Everywhere else still shows the carbon fiber with the red tip. When I ordered mine from Krale I wondered if I would get an older stock pistol or the newer stock. I was really undecided as to which I wanted so didn’t bother asking. In my case I am very glad I got the 2 aluminum cylinders.

As to wrong doing, I don't believe Krale did anything wrong either. I believe they made packing mistake. Again, I'm sure it's just a conversation.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by mojoatomic »

Response from Krale -

"Thank you for your email! I checked this for you, and you did receive the correct LP500. This is their newest model, this has unfortunately not been amended yet on our website, which is why you did not receive the one that was shown. We do not have the carbon version available right now, I could check if we could order this for you. I hope to hear from you, enjoy your evening!"

So, they're willing to get the carbon fiber cylinder if I want it. No harm, no foul. Never had an issue with Krale, it's always just a conversation if something's amiss.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by bootneckbob »

I just picked up one which is the expert with the silver compensator carbon cylinder and one inline weight. Bit of middle ground. I also have the ali cylinder. which is about 30g heavier.

I liked the look of the pistol with the red trigger and cone, but its all available if I feel the need to customize because I can afford to throw money away!
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by lakiraly »

I wonder if there were some issues with the carbon fiber air cylinders?
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Gwhite »

lakiraly wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 5:51 am I wonder if there were some issues with the carbon fiber air cylinders?
I suspect the "issue" may be the 10 year rule. They might wait to make them until they have a big batch of pistols ready, so they don't lose value sitting on a shelf. That said, if they have all the components handy, the cylinders aren't "manufactured" until they screw them together.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by bootneckbob »

Well the carbon is 20 years in the book although it needs an inspection/test at 10; whereas it says not to use the ali ones after 10. I remember when I got my first LP400 around 2016 they came with a certificate to get either money off the next cylinder after 10 years or a free one (I forget which). In effect the way it is now supplying ali ones they might have more after sales at the 10 year point than with carbon.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Gwhite »

I wasn't aware that the ISSF rules had an extended life for carbon fiber cylinders. At least when it was first written, I think it just said 10 years for cylinders, period. Now that carbon fiber is an option, maybe they changed it.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by Brazos »

I guess it’s just easier for ISSF to say 10 years across the board than to have different timelines for different air cylinders. To me though if a company like Walther says they stand behind a cylinder for 20 years and have dates marked on the cylinder showing when it was manufactured and the expiration date that should be fine. If a cylinder blows up let Walther and their insurance deal with it. In my mind ISSF is not in the manufacturing business. Let the manufacturer decide. Seems to me they take on liability as in if a cylinder blows up in 5 years, I get injured, I can sue Walther and ISSF.
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by spektr »

Brazos wrote: Wed May 11, 2022 8:49 pm I guess it’s just easier for ISSF to say 10 years across the board than to have different timelines for different air cylinders. To me though if a company like Walther says they stand behind a cylinder for 20 years and have dates marked on the cylinder showing when it was manufactured and the expiration date that should be fine. If a cylinder blows up let Walther and their insurance deal with it. In my mind ISSF is not in the manufacturing business. Let the manufacturer decide. Seems to me they take on liability as in if a cylinder blows up in 5 years, I get injured, I can sue Walther and ISSF.
I thought we beat this to death already, BUT the Pressure Vessel Laws in Europe were revised, Basically the change was to life limit cylinders below 1 litre in capacity in our PV class, lacking designed inspection access to 10 years from the date of manufacture. The ISSF responded to this revision of law by issuing the 10 year rule. The DOT followed the european law and updated the us laws to match the those in europe. Carbon cylinders are in a different PV class, and since I don't have one, I haven't run down the chapter and verse on them....

OBTW, Walther no longer says their cylinders are good for 20 years, and all cylinders in our PV class lacking a manufacturing date were end of lifed 10 years after the change implementation date and are now unserviceable......
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Re: Got my Walther LP500 - but there's a catch

Post by robjob »

Pardini will rework/retest/redate cylinders. I just got two kids back with reworked cylinders. Cost was about half if new... they will do this one time only per cylinder.
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