FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by JamesH »

If the slide doesn't fully close when the hammer falls the first thing the hammer has to do is close the slide, absorbing energy.

Dismantling the 602 trigger box was tricky. Re-fitting the roll pins afterwards also tricky.
Its tempting to replace them with solid pins but be sure they are a tight fit and can't move, if they do wander sideways once the hammer box is back in the gun its next to impossible to get the box out again.
The roll pins always get bent, its useful to have new ones but they need to be soft-ish so they can be staked in place.
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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by lognom »

Good to know if I have to disassemble my trigger box.
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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by Leon »

lognom wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 4:52 pm Good to know if I have to disassemble my trigger box.
The 6007 trigger/hammer box is completely different from the 602. You don't have to do anything like what JamesH suggested.
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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by brakarzac »

I have 3 Fas 6007 pistols on the safe that my kids and I use for Standard, Rapid Fire and Junior 25M

2 of the three have had issues since buying them. Ultimately we had the local importer have a look at them, 2 units had their top slide / firing pin housing replaced and the the 3rd was a different batch and no issues.

Since doing that and oiling the first round of the magazine we have not had any issues.
We get the occasional malfunction, but that happens with every pistol!!!

Its painful I know, but we battled through and the 2 that caused the issues are now working great!

lognom wrote: Sun Apr 24, 2022 8:06 pm http://bullshooter.blogspot.com/2006/06 ... autos.html

He recommends oiling the rounds in the magazine. At the range I noticed the first round in the magazine generally would fire but the other rounds wouldn't so somehow the magazine is responsible. Also if I put a round in the chamber and closed the bolt, without a magazine in the pistol, the round won't fire. Is that normal? The light strike problem existed when the gun was new but but has only gotten worse.

I'd take up the issue with Chiappa service but they're hard to get ahold of, to say the least.

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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by divingin »

Making sure the bolt/slide is all the way forward should help you to rule out chamber drag as being your problem.

Fire your first shot, then physically push the action closed before each successive shot. If the fault remains, it's something other than a partially-chambered problem.
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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by Gwhite »

If oiling the top round makes the problem go away, there is too much drag chambering the first round. That can be from dirt, or lack of lubrication someplace. The first round has the most upward force from the remaining rounds in the magazine. Combined with the upward force of the hammer, that can cause issues like you describe. Make sure you put some grease on the top of the hammer & the bottom of the slide. Look at where the slide is rubbing, and make sure there is oil where the slide pushes up against the frame.

A dirty chamber will only make things worse. It addition to using a .25 caliber brush like I recommended earlier, using Bore Tech Rimfire Blend to clean the barrel & chamber will help to keep carbon from building up.
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Re: FAS 6007: FTF due to weak hammer spring?

Post by lognom »

I purchased a 13 lb hammer spring from Gunsprings.com that is similar in size to the FAS-It's for a FEG pistol. The pistol fired 50 rounds with only one ftf, a huge improvement from before, so I guess it was a spring problem. The FEG spring has 5% thicker wire but a 7% greater coil diameter compared with the FAS spring so I probably need a 15 lb spring. I hope one day Chiappa will send the springs I need because other than Gunsprings.com I couldn't find another hammer spring dealer on the web.

Thanks for all your suggestions.
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