FWB P8x vs Steyr evo 10e - share your experience

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Re: FWB P8x vs Steyr evo 10e - share your experience

Post by Leon »

I couldn't decide between a P8X and a EVO10E so I bought both.

After a few months, I ended up selling the P8X.

Differences between the 2 were relatively minor - I felt the EV010E had the better trigger, and was overall of higher quality.

However, that's me - your experience may be different
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Re: FWB P8x vs Steyr evo 10e - share your experience

Post by Mikk3 »

Thank you all for your comments and useful insights! After a long consideration I decided to go with the P8x. I had the chance to test one for a few days and I absolutely fell in love. The balance is great and the trigger is SO smooth.

But when I finally got mine I had to sent it right back to get fixed... I couldn't move the dry fire switch at all. There's this small screw that holds the dry fire slider in place and when it was put in they had apparently used too much loctite and now the whole slider is locked down. I talked on phone with the dealer/gunsmith and he was simply amazed since there has never been any problems before with this gun and he has sold around 30 of them, but he told me to send it right back and he will deal with it asap.

I was kinda bummed about this but we're all human and accidents do sometimes happen. But anyway, it's a great gun and I can't wait to get mine to the range once it's fixed.
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Re: FWB P8x vs Steyr evo 10e - share your experience

Post by spektr »

The P44 needs to have the cocking lever held all the way back or the dry fire button will not move...... Its not in the manual
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Re: FWB P8x vs Steyr evo 10e - share your experience

Post by bootneckbob »

I've just seen your post (Mikk3) in the May league post, so seen you're in love with the FWB.

I had an Evo10e until last week and had it for 6 years. Probably about 2 years ago I was really struggling with it and couldn't get past the 550 so I bought a LP400 from a clubmate (I'd had the LP400 carbon before the Evo) and thought I'd try the Walther again. I also had another mate who lent me his FWB P8X. For two or three weeks I was shooting all three at home in my 10m range and I only usually talk about the Steyr/Walther comparison because they were my pistols and I was shooting them off against each other to see which one I'd keep, but the FWB was in the mix too unofficially.
The truth is for me they all shot within 1% of each other with he results recorded in Target Scan (app). The FWB had possibly the best grip and trigger, but it would have only just been a fraction over the Walther (if at all). The only thing that put me off is the servicing and spares side of life. Anyway, tightening up my technique I beat my PB of 546 with all three going consistently over 550.
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