My wife is cool.

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My wife is cool.

Post by toddinjax »

As I’ve mentioned previously I am back shooting AP after several years off due to shoulder issues and subsequent surgery. Like many people I have bouts of depression and my #1 antidepressant has been playing guitar. Unfortunately some time ago it was necessary to add a little pharmacology to the battle. When my MD asked if the med was helping I said yes I think so and my wife, who is probably a better judge than me, said yes you are definitely better, plus you have your pistol now. I asked her, do you notice a difference since I’ve been shooting.....Yes of course, you’re much happier since you started shooting again,.....Why don’t you buy a new pistol? ....they’re pretty expensive what, if there’s something you can buy that makes you happy just get it.
Right now getting better is what pleases me. I have a 46m/Rink grip so when I shoot a 10 it’s because I did just what I intended and when I blast a hole in the 7 ring, that’s on me not my gear. I think the next thing I’ll buy is a membership at the range less than 4 miles from my house and update my 10 year old shooting glasses. Still my wife is cool. I wish she could dig jazz, but still pretty darn cool.
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Re: My wife is cool.

Post by kd5det »

Just saw your post talking about having "stenosis, collapsing and bulging discs". It was interesting to hear from a follow sufferer so I thought I would send you a line.

I recently started having back problems in the lumbar area, numbness in my legs and loss of balance. I thought it was due to my lumbar disk bulging and collapse. They did an MRI of my neck and told me that the problem was not my back but my neck. Severe stenosis, collapsing disks and bone spurs. My symptoms have increased with numbness and tingling in my hand and arms. I am scheduled for surgery on my neck the first week of February, laminectomy of 3 disks. Best I can figure is that the only thing worse than having the surgery is NOT having the surgery and letting things get worse.

I shoot a little AP informally in my basement and some small bore rifle silhouette when I can get to a range. Beyond being cool, your wife is smart. Having reached 63 and having my body start to fall apart, I decided that delayed gratification is a little less logical than it used to be. A year or two ago I wanted to try AP in the basement. I bought an Artemis CP-1 because it was the cheapest CO2 AP I could find. I has some fun with it and kept tinkering with it to make it shoot a little better. I thought, one of these days I am going to get a really good gun. I recently realized that I do not have all that many "one of these days" left so I just bought a used TAU-7 and sent it off to pilkguns for a repair.

Now when I shoot a ten I still know that it was just dumb luck. I am working to be able to keep 10 shots in the black. But having a better gun makes it more fun.

Merry Christmas to you and your cool and smart wife,
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Re: My wife is cool.

Post by spektr »

My wife bought me an FWB 800X as a welcome home present after flesh eating bacteria......
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Location: Valencia County, NM USA

Re: My wife is cool.

Post by jhmartin »

kd5det wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:25 pm I decided that delayed gratification is a little less logical than it used to be.
+++ Thumbs up for those of us over 60!!!!
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