Wanted: 1day Prone and Standing coach. Fayetteville NC

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Wanted: 1day Prone and Standing coach. Fayetteville NC

Post by newportkiller »

Looking for coaching on my Prone and Standing.
I need help improving my positions, and gear setup.
The focus is on NRA Highpower XTC and smallbore prone.

Would like Approximately 6 Hours or coaching.

I can provide:
Private 300yard range with all the Ammo and Targets.
Covered or open firing positions.
top shelf equipment.

Looking for a highly experienced shooter or coach.
Must have real world knowledge and experience shooting Highpower, smallbore or position shooting. You need to be able to recognize poor habits, bad body position and have insists into correcting these faults.

Basically I am at beginner plateau and need to fix bad habits and poor gear/equipment set up.

Compensation: based on experience level and service provided.

PM if interested. Or for questions.
Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2004 1:31 am
Location: Morrisville, NC

Re: Wanted: 1day Prone and Standing coach. Fayetteville NC

Post by NCST8 »

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