January 2022 Rifle/Pistol Selection Matches

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USA Shooting
Posts: 706
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:27 am

January 2022 Rifle/Pistol Selection Matches

Post by USA Shooting »

January 2022 Rifle/Pistol Selection Matches
USA Shooting announces that a Smallbhttps://www.usashooting.org/library/images/Scre ... _PM.pngore Rifle selection match will be held January 4 – 7, 2022 and a Sport Pistol and Rapid Fire Pistol selection match will be held January 8 – 11, 2022 at the Olympic and Paralympic Training Center (OPTC) in Colorado Springs, CO.

These matches will be a direct selection match to select the athletes that will attend the Cairo World Cup in February 2022. The top three finishers in each discipline at this match will be selected to attend the Cairo World Cup if their average score from the 3 qualification match days meets or exceeds the PSS average outlined in selection procedures. Additionally, all qualification scores from this match will contribute to the PSS averages for national team selection.

Competitors in the rifle match will shoot 3x20 courses of fire for the match, as this is the anticipated match format for the rest of the quad according to the ISSF.

The schedules for the matches are outlined below. Match programs, detailed match schedules, and selection procedures will follow.

Currently, the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) has a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place for people utilizing the OPTC, including athletes and staff who are planning to participate at a camp, activity or event hosted by an internally managed sport, which pertains to these selection matches. More information can be found here. Any athlete, spectator, or coach that would like to attend these matches must submit a vaccination card to USA Shooting or receive a medical or religious exemption from the USOPC. To apply for a medical or religious exemption, complete the accompanying form and submit it to usopcer@ilgdenver.com. Details about submitting your COVID-19 vaccination card will be published shortly.

Please note that these matches and schedules are subject to change pending COVID-19, OPTC, and USOPC restrictions at the time of the matches.
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