What jacket would you recommend for prone?

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What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Atanasius »

What shooting jacket would you recommend for prone position shooting. I’ll be using Centra Mec anti-pulse sling. I’m 6’2”, 190 lb.
Thank you!
Tim S
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Re: What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Tim S »

One that fits.

Sorry to be facetious, but the fit is more important that anything else. If you can afford it, having the jacket made to your measurements should give a better fit. Currently Capapie are the big thing at Olympic level, but Kurt Thune, Sauer, Monard, Hitex, Kustermann, Truttmann and Anschutz all make good MTM jackets. Thune, Sauer, and Monard offer jackets cut specifically for Prone. In theory, 3P jackets are a compromise, but don't seem to hold back International shooters since they were limited to one jacket some years back. The Creedmoor jackets seem popular with fullbore shooters, but as far as I know aren't ISSF-compliant, if that's required. Here in the UK TenPointNine are well regarded for bespoke and MTM jackets. Where possible have the vendor measure you; they will have had much more practise, and should have more clout if the factory muck it up.

If your budget doesn't stretch to MTM, get yourself measured (several times) and compare yourself to the manufacturers' size chart; some like Kurt Thune offer tall and broad sizings, as well as standard. If you are between sizes ask the vendor if you can try both and return the one that doesn't fit. Just be aware that some lower cost jackets aren't that durable; elbow rubber in particular is often knackered after two or three years.

For prone it's the fit across your back that's critical; too big, and the sling will pull the jacket over your shoulder. Ideally you should not be able to bring your elbows closer together than shoulders breadth, when wearing the jacket. A good fit around the chest also helps, and the sling arm should line up well. The sleeves should be long enough at the pad and cuff (without touching the rifle). The jacket shouldn't ride up too much at the back; cheap econony-brands often do this.

In terms of material, there's still a lot to be said for leather (lined with canvas). My Anschutz jacket is part synthetic, and I like that. Canvas is cheaper though. Cheaper canvas jackets can be very stiff; this can be a problem if the fit isn't great. For non-slip material topgrip is rhe best, IMO
Last edited by Tim S on Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mike Carter
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Re: What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Mike Carter »

Tim S has given you great advice. One thing not mentioned is whether you plan to shoot in ISSF sanctioned events. If yes, then the coat must meet specifications. If this isn't a criteria, but you still want to outfit yourself with the best chance for prone shooting success, consider a Kurt Thune prone coat, modified.
George Brenzovich has developed a prone coat that is a modification of the Kurt Thune 600. Basically it is the 600 coat, with straps instead of buttons and a zipper up the right side to accommodate a bent right leg. The link below is too his Highpower coat which has the zipper in the front but is basically it. I would contact him for more details. I bought one from him at Camp Perry in 2019.
http://www.brenzovich.com/index.php?id_ ... &id_lang=1
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Re: What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Atanasius »

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I don’t compete. I shoot prone position at 100 yards and beyond. But this doesn’t mean I don’t compete with my best results and constantly chasing improvement. Yes I shoot 22 lr, Anschutz 1907 diopter sights and Sako p94s range scoped.
Thank you guys for advices.
Tim S
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Re: What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Tim S »

If you aren't competing, I'd start with an off-the-peg jacket. That's unless you aren't a standard size, or money isn't an option. A standard size jacket will do the job if it fits; it might not fit perfectly everywhere, but that's the trade off for not paying top-quality MTM prices. Leave MTM for when every point or X matters.

Look at the Anschutz 164, the Kurt Thune Club or TL2, or the own-brand jackets from a reliable vendor.

Don't worry about jackets that don't have zips like the KT recommended above. You can leave the jacket open at the bottom, and it won't foul on your leg. Only the top two or three buttons have any real structural role in Prone; the 2012 Olympic Champion had no buttons at all on his jacket, and still shot a perfect 600.
Last edited by Tim S on Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What jacket would you recommend for prone?

Post by Atanasius »

Thank you Tim S!
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