Daisy 171 barrel swap

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Mark Skeels

Daisy 171 barrel swap

Post by Mark Skeels »

May seem a little low tech for this page, but my daisy 717 shoots real nice groups, about 1/4 inch with my eyes at 10 meters on the bags. Anyhow I have read some that the Lothar Walther barrel may do even better. I am going to call Daisy tomorrow to see if they have renewal parts and how much one of these barrels would cost.
It is low cost, I did a trigger job and although it is cheap, I really like it. Can beat out the competition with it at matches.
My question, has anybody here ever changed one of these barrels and is it very hard, if you want you could email me or post simple instructions. Thanks.

Re: That's Daisy 717 barrel swap not 171

Post by Mark »

: May seem a little low tech for this page, but my daisy 717 shoots real nice groups, about 1/4 inch with my eyes at 10 meters on the bags. Anyhow I have read some that the Lothar Walther barrel may do even better. I am going to call Daisy tomorrow to see if they have renewal parts and how much one of these barrels would cost.
: It is low cost, I did a trigger job and although it is cheap, I really like it. Can beat out the competition with it at matches.
: My question, has anybody here ever changed one of these barrels and is it very hard, if you want you could email me or post simple instructions. Thanks.

Roland Cannon

Re: Daisy 171 barrel swap

Post by Roland Cannon »

I did jusat what your talking about. I ordered the lother/walther barrel directly from Daisy.
It may have helped the gun shoot straighter, but not much. The problem with the stock barrel is in the area where the air enters to push the pellet out. The "hole" that the air travels through is usually not alligned properly. On top of that, there is a burr left in the area from drilling. Polish this off and re-drill the hole. Velosity usually goes up and the gun is more accurate due to the pellet not getting scratched up while loading.
The walther barrel has the same problem.
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