Free Pistol Rule on Grip

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Free Pistol Rule on Grip

Post by Michael »

I noticed that new free pistols come with grips that don't meet at the back of the hand. I just bought an old Pardini P.G.P. 75 that has a solid strip of wood that wraps around the back of the hand. Is this permissible by today's rules?
Spencer C

Provided the wrist is visibly free

Post by Spencer C » Neither the grip nor any part of the pistol may be extended or
constructed in any way that would allow it to touch beyond the hand.
The wrist must remain visibly free when the pistol is held in the
normal firing position...

Greg Derr

Re: Free Pistol Rule on Grip

Post by Greg Derr »

The full wrap around is perfectly legal. Just that most new guns are equiped with adjustable grips to appeal to a wider cross section of the market. Most serious users go for the wrap arounb grip made custom for them.

Re: Provided the wrist is visibly free

Post by Fred »

The problem with the full wrap grip ... is that when its really warm ... like in Atlanta or Ft. Benning ... one's hand can swell up ... and then the perfect fit is too tight ... one ends up having to run cold water over ones hand in order to be able to fit into the grip ... and one might have to repeat this a number of times during the shooting session ... :-(


Thanks for FP Info.

Post by Michael »

I really appreciate the information. Although I have shot other handgun disciplines for a few decades, I am a newbie at free pistol. I have yet to shoot my first match, but hope to rectify that in a week or so.
: The problem with the full wrap grip ... is that when its really warm ... like in Atlanta or Ft. Benning ... one's hand can swell up ... and then the perfect fit is too tight ... one ends up having to run cold water over ones hand in order to be able to fit into the grip ... and one might have to repeat this a number of times during the shooting session ... :-(

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