aiming at the top of the bull

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aiming at the top of the bull

Post by Azmodan »

has anyone tried or heard of ..aiming at the top of the black bullseye circle?

the reason i;m asking this: i use several training targets, and one of them is a horizontal line. and when i shoot at it, i get much better groups by lowering the front sight just as it touches the black line. also i seem to release the shot a bit faster / with more confidence.

usually i get good groups, but today it was a great group
today i used the freetarget EST to see where the actual shots would be..and it would have been a 98
the previous 10 shots were at a blank white target

should i try to shoot the normal target this way?
Airpistol: Feinwerkbau P8X
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by JonPersson »

You will probably run into issues with adjusting the sights to hit that low.

I have never heard of any one (amateur or pro) that aims like that.....when that’s the case there is usually a reason for it.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by Ade C »

Try it on a proper target and see what happens. I don't know how you'd see the sights properly though
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by nmondal »

Azmodan wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:09 pm has anyone tried or heard of ..aiming at the top of the black bullseye circle?
should i try to shoot the normal target this way?
I.. think I can take that.
That strategy does not work - because of the geometrical shape issue.
You would never know ( eventually ) where to hit it ( a tiny up and down would be impossible to detect.
The same reason 6 O Clock hold is pretty difficult, ( sub 6 is ok ) - and this is harder.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by thirdwheel »

Try this:
Pack out your front sight to raise it or make a tall front sight, this is to push the poi to below the poa and also take the poi down using the sights. Now aim high 12 and see what happens.
Why? you cannot see the black at all and you are solely looking at the front sight picture so your brain is not drawn to the black, even practicing on the back of a card to get this effect fails after the first shot as you can now see a black hole and that draws your attention and you mess up.
It is not too difficult to find the middle or the same height as the brain likes symmetry and will do it for you.
It's a while since I did the maths for the packing but I think I made a 2.7mm packer for a full length Morini.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by atomicgale »

Azmodan wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 1:09 pm . . . and it would have been . . . .
Say the above quote, three times . . .
. . . while clicking your Ruby Slippers together . . . .
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by David M »

Ahh...we are back to re-inventing the square wheel, again !!
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by David M »

I recall one occasion only that due to poor lighting I moved the aiming area to down under a target in a clear painted area.
It was the only way to see the sights and achieve a sight picture.
It paid off with a match win.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by j danielsson »

I saw an airpistol shooter, well experienced at the time, make a personal record by aiming above the blackspot.
Something close to 570.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by 6string »

I can't remember if it was the Navy or Air Force marksmanship unit, but one of them incorporated the "12 O'clock hold" as part of their training regimen. ( Of course, this was back when all "bullseye" shooters had to use iron sights.)
It looks like your well equipped to try it, and judge the results.
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Re: aiming at the top of the bull

Post by Azmodan »

tested the theory

clicked down the sights on my FWB100 all the way down (70 clicks)
12 oclock hold.jpg
the group was relatively good with a few fliers - about 10 shots in there (ignore the hole in the bottom half. that was an unrelated shot), but i could not lower the sights enough

i also found out that aiming at the top of the bull makes it difficult to asses windage
Airpistol: Feinwerkbau P8X
STP: Pardini SP
CFP: Pardini HP
Freepistol: TOZ-35
PPC: CZ Shadow 2
PCC: Nova Modul CTS9
BR50: CZ 457 LRP
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