What gloves are you all using?

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What gloves are you all using?

Post by AManWearingAHat »

Subject says it all, what gloves is everyone using for 3P and for prone? Do any of you use a different glove for prone?

I started on the Champions Choice delux summer glove, but I am finding it is too thin to adequately pad my hand for 60 rounds of prone. I find my fingers are pretty numb by the end of it using the 4751 hand stop.. I sling up pretty tight but not overly so. I was looking at transitioning to the Sauer special prone mitt or giving the Anschutz Concept a try. Before I drop some cash though I wanted to ask the membership here if they had any recommendations or experience to share.
Bob Foth
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by Bob Foth »

The 4751 bothered my hand too.
Try removing the plastic piece (the previous model is still inside) and turning the inside parts around backwards.
I know it seems counterintuitive, but the small piece the sling swivel attaches to reduces the spread between your thumb and fingers. Because it is also short, it allows the sling to ride across the back of your hand instead of away from it, spreading out the pressure.
You may not need a new glove at all.
Tim S
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by Tim S »

To add to Bob's reply, the Anschutz 4751 is quite a wide hand stop. It may be fine if you have hands like spades, but I've always found it too wide. As an alternative to reversing it, if you want more if a stop, is to trim the body. The plastic is tough, but still plastic. I've seen a few that have been trimmed at the sides to reduce the width, and at the bottom to reduce the depth.

Edit - with that said, how old is your glove? Not even the best gloves last forever, and eventually the padding is compressed too much. I've had some gloves that lasted for several years of heavy use, and were still comfortable even after the padding was quite thin. Conversely, one glove literally fell apart after a year or so.
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by AManWearingAHat »

My glove is about 2 years old at this point so it may just be compressed past its point of usefulness. The 30 dollar CC ones never held up the best for me.

Thanks for the advice on the hand stop though, Ill have to disassemble it and give it a go. It probably doesn't help that I have fairly small hands. If that still doesn't work I have at least one of the traditional knurled cylinder ones laying around which I may try.
Bob Foth
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by Bob Foth »

If my memory is correct, you'll need to remove at least one metal piece then "pop" or tap off the plastic housing.
While I agree that the plastic can be shaved down, with your small hands plus the part about making it short as well as narrow, I'd suggest the reversible version of removing the plastic part first to see what that does.
I did try to optimize mine by tightening the radius of the slightly curved part of the sling swivel that fits around the sling and zip-tying a small pad on the steel block the swivel fits into. I'm not sure either of those details did much more. The overall change allowed me to have a heavy enough training volume to shoot winning scores.
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Mike Carter
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by Mike Carter »

I use the Saur special prone mitt and the MEC hand stop fastened to a Anschutz precise stock. 20 minutes into the position and my hand is usually asleep, but not in pain.
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by bberg7794 »

There was a pretty good discussion on gloves last spring with some good suggestions:

https://www.targettalk.org/viewtopic.ph ... 94#p298594

I had been using a Champion's Choice fingerless glove with Top Grip and I bought a Monard Proliner Prone glove to try based on that thread. The Monard is quite a bit better, but I am not yet sure that I have arrived at my final glove/handstop combination.
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by AManWearingAHat »

Oh excellent suggestion, the thread has been insightful.
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Re: What gloves are you all using?

Post by Doc8406 »

Just bought the Monard, i like it a lot, but it is a lil tight on the pinky.. but i am not getting the pain like i was with my Anschutz glove i had
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