Cylinders are about to expire

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Cylinders are about to expire

Post by javaduke »

The expiration date on my Morini cylinders is 2021 (wow, time flies). I know the expired cylinders will make my gun illegal for official competitions, but I'm trying to understand if this is just a precaution or is there really a safety issues there? In other words, should I toss out my cylinders and get a new ones or can I still use them for casual plinking? Or is there a way to get them refurbished and re-certified?
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Re: Cylinders are about to expire

Post by atomicgale »

Morini cylinders previously were rated for 20 year life. Hence, "expired" cylinder should be good for practice. Regarding competitions, you'll usually only see formal Equipment Control at the higher level matches. Decision becomes if you choose to be totally within the rules, you would not use an expired cylinder in a competition. Also, respect for other athletes - if "It's Okay for You" to be non-compliant on a safety issue, then what other safety violations are "Okay" to violate.

Refurbish or "Re-certify"?: NO WAY. Not technically or economically feasible.

Hope this helps!
David M
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Re: Cylinders are about to expire

Post by David M »

You need to check your local pressure vessel laws.
In Australia pressure vessels whether static or portable and characterised by Pressure (MPa) x Volume (L) equal to or less than 150 MPa L are exempt from regulatory controls.
So there is no formal inspection or certification (external visual only) but all alloy pressure vessels have a 20 yr service life.
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Re: Cylinders are about to expire

Post by Rover »

No worry, and there's a LOAD of posts on the subject. Do a search.
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