How close should the rear aperture sight be from your eye

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How close should the rear aperture sight be from your eye

Post by KimieJ »

I have just purchased a new fwb p70 and the sights are totally new to me how far should the rear sight be from my eye.Also I see a rubber piece on the rear sight in the magazine should this be added on also.Thanks.
Pat McCoy

Re: How close should the rear aperture sight be from your ey

Post by Pat McCoy »

: I have just purchased a new fwb p70 and the sights are totally new to me how far should the rear sight be from my eye.:
About 1.5" to 4" (try it in different spots to see how you like it).
:Also I see a rubber piece on the rear sight in the magazine should this be added on also.:
This is used to keep light off the rear of the sight disk from reflecting into your eye. Most shooters like to use the rubber cup, but be sure it does not touch your shoting glasses when in use.
Also, the rear apperture is very small from the factory. If it appears nice and clear to you when looking through it at a light colored surface it is OK. If it appears to have spider webs in it, you will need to have the apperture opened up a little (with a reamer or carefull use of small number drills).
Good luck, and enjoy your new rifle.

Re: How close should the rear aperture sight be from your ey

Post by JT »

Better yet buy an adjustable aperture for all light conditions. Less than $80 from CC or try Pilkguns.
: : I have just purchased a new fwb p70 and the sights are totally new to me how far should the rear sight be from my eye.:
: About 1.5" to 4" (try it in different spots to see how you like it).
: :Also I see a rubber piece on the rear sight in the magazine should this be added on also.:
: This is used to keep light off the rear of the sight disk from reflecting into your eye. Most shooters like to use the rubber cup, but be sure it does not touch your shoting glasses when in use.
: Also, the rear apperture is very small from the factory. If it appears nice and clear to you when looking through it at a light colored surface it is OK. If it appears to have spider webs in it, you will need to have the apperture opened up a little (with a reamer or carefull use of small number drills).
: Good luck, and enjoy your new rifle.
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