To All Olympic Rapid Fire Shooters RE: .22LR Rule change

old, good

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns


Re: To All Olympic Rapid Fire Shooters RE: .22LR Rule change

Post by scott »

There is nothing preventing anyone from shooting RFP with a .22LR standard/sport pistol under current rules. ANY .22 rimfire pistol is allowed as long as it meets the other RFP size/weight/design rules. Like driving a pickup truck in the Indy 500, you'll get you butt kicked, but it's legal under the current ISSF rules.
As far as legal/political matters are concerned, all those nations that have bought into the 'sporting purpose' criteria for civilian ownership of firearms just had the ISSF hand over another free victory to their gun ban agenda. Dropping the .22 short RFP's from the ISSF approved equipment list means they have just two more repeating pistols to go (CF and Std/Sport)and there will be NO civilian ownership of repeating pistols in many nations. ISSF is using their rulebook to help legislate your/our sport and your/our guns out of existence. We don't need to worry about the UN/HCI/Brady Bunch agenda when ISSF does much of their work for them.

Re: Will someone please explain??

Post by fred »

: In my opinion they should have removed RF from the Olympic programme years ago and replaced it by Standard Pistol. To shoot either event well takes the vast time, effort and dedication that we demand from our Olympians.
I completely agree! Standard Pistol as an Olympic event instead of RF would increase participation and would cut costs tremendously for both new World Cup/Olympic venues and local clubs. Meanwhile, RF would not have to be lost completely, since it could be a World Championship event (like the 300M rifle events) for those who had the equipment.

Replacing Rapid Fire with Standard

Post by Mark »

How about instead of replacing one with the other, work toward include both events?

: : In my opinion they should have removed RF from the Olympic programme years ago and replaced it by Standard Pistol. To shoot either event well takes the vast time, effort and dedication that we demand from our Olympians.
: I completely agree! Standard Pistol as an Olympic event instead of RF would increase participation and would cut costs tremendously for both new World Cup/Olympic venues and local clubs. Meanwhile, RF would not have to be lost completely, since it could be a World Championship event (like the 300M rifle events) for those who had the equipment.

David Levene

Re: Replacing Rapid Fire with Standard

Post by David Levene »

: How about instead of replacing one with the other, work toward include both events?
When they are trying to reduce the number?

Re: Replacing Rapid Fire with Standard

Post by Mark »

I don't believe in rolling over and giving up. Show interest and try. Heck, if you want to take the ultimate defeatist attitude, we could just give up our guns and twiddle our thumbs; while a lot cheaper, I just don't think it would be as fun.
: : How about instead of replacing one with the other, work toward include both events?
: When they are trying to reduce the number?

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