Olympic Pistols in California

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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Sandy Santibanez

Olympic Pistols in California

Post by Sandy Santibanez »

The legislation that I have been working on in California is now a reality. The list of Exempted Olympic Pistols can be found at http://caag.state.ca.us/firearms/.
I want to thank everyone who helped in getting this accomplished, with special thanks to the fine people at the California Department of Justice.
Lee Fisher

Re: Olympic Pistols in California

Post by Lee Fisher »

Good work, Sandy. Some minor corrections/additions: The Unique DES-VO 22 short rapid fire pistol was not listed. I believe the Unique 79 should read VO-79, and the Unique 823 should be 823U.

Glad to see that the FWB AW93 has finally made the list!

Post by FD »



Take it to the Governor

Post by RJP »

Maybe Arnold could get rid of some of these stupid gun laws!


Re: Take it to the Governor

Post by PW »

: Maybe Arnold could get rid of some of these stupid gun laws!
I thought Arnold was all for more restrictive gun laws? OK for movies with him killing hundreds, but god forbid a normal citizen wanting one.
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