Scatt Expert users?

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Scatt Expert users?

Post by 400driver »

Upgraded to the expert from a previous model and looking for any proficient air pistol shooters to provide a few of their sessions so I can compare .
I am averaging 93 and looking to see what the trace of a better shooter looks like.

Under the old software I could download pro shooters and see their shots, but have yet to find the same files for the new Expert software.
Many thanks if you can help.
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Re: Scatt Expert users?

Post by RyanA »

I just upgraded to the Scatt Expert software as well, and I like it quite a bit. I'm no pro, but here is a link to one of my most recent files:!Ah_eay9MK2irlhAK_93 ... y?e=Qk0nAd
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Re: Scatt Expert users?

Post by jbshooter »

Out of interest are you using the wireless MX2? Does it pick up the sound of a dry firing mechanical trigger and the click of an electronic trigger? The click is near silent on some new guns.
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Re: Scatt Expert users?

Post by 400driver »

Thanks Ryan.
I will take a look and see if I can learn.
I have found that the actual impacts and where SCATT says they were are not always in the same ring!
I have to say I preferred the old software.
I am using the new wireless system which is based on a camera feed.
It does pick up dry fire of my Steyr Evo, when I cock the lever but don't fully close it, there is quite a click on dry fire.
I think it also picks up the click of just the electric trigger.
I will Confirm that ASAP.
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Re: Scatt Expert users?

Post by RyanA »

I've used the MX-02 and and the WS1 with my electronic Steyr EVO and it works just fine dry-firing. You can adjust the sensitivity if needed on the calibration screen (or move the hardware closer to the trigger).
Like you, I have also noticed that the Scatt shot positions can be quite different than on paper when live-firing, so I don't put too much stock in the scores, or even the sizes of groups unless I'm having an outstanding day. I have found that the Scatt exaggerates errors, even when the f-coefficient is turned way down. Having said that, it is still incredibly useful as a training tool.
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Re: Scatt Expert users?

Post by 400driver »

Just had a look at your trace, very interesting! Although I got around the same number of points, the way you achieved yours was much nicer.
Your hold compared to mine showed how much more I need to work. Your trigger release also showed much less disturbance.
I will have a look in more detail, but thanks for sharing.
Mark S
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